Meghan Prisby
2 min readSep 24, 2019

Diversity is Apple’s Newest Strategy

“To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind” (Jobs). Ever since Apple started their mission statement has always stood for improving how society functions and its viewpoints. This doesn’t stop when it comes to Apple’s Human Family Iphone ad. Throughout this ad, humans are seen in all different ethnic backgrounds and cultures, yet they are all the same. There are more similarities between humans then there are differences. People need to look past the obvious differences and find the similarities deep down. Even though Apple seems like it is just a tech company that competes to introduce the newest ideas, it has used this ad and other platforms to guide society into embracing the diversity in humankind.

Throughout this ad, Apple is trying to reach middle class customers who want to end discrimination in the world. Apple products are considered a luxury product that few can buy, yet Apple makes the point that it doesn’t matter your income level or status. Everyone’s the same on the inside no matter what the outside looks like. The IPhone brings people together by sharing photos and staying connected with those around you. This one phone can bring everyone together.

This ad showed the world that diversity is good. It doesn’t matter your past or your culture. People will no longer be based on race, religion, or wealth. This changes the public’s perception by showing that it’s more important to understand a person’s personality than judge them off their physical characteristics. One cultural transmission sent to society is demonstrating the beauty of the human spirit. The people in the photos are laughing and experiencing life just like any other person. After watching the ad, it makes you want to embrace everyone around you and to learn about different cultures. It brings us out of the cave because we are breaking the stereotypes of race, religion, sexuality, and socioeconomic class. This ad helps us see that we will no longer be a divided society. We can come together as one.