Proven Uses of Himalayan Salt

Jeff McQuilkin
3 min readJun 7, 2017


In recent years, Himalayan salt products of various types have risen to new levels of popularity, especially among the health-conscious. So great is the hype, in fact, that if you didn’t know better, you might be led to believe this pink-hued substance was somehow the cure-all, the miracle elixir of our time, on par with the Holy Grail or the Fountain of Youth.

Admittedly, skeptics abound, and certainly we can’t vouch for every claim made about Himalayan salt. However, there are some legitimate health benefits to be found in its various uses, as well as a growing number of scientific studies to back them up.

Why Himalayan Salt?

What makes Himalayan salt superior to, say, regular table salt or salt mined from other sources? In terms of the basic chemical composition of salt (a bond between sodium and chlorine atoms), the answer is, not much. However, there are at least two other reasons why holistic health experts believe salt mined from the Himalayan mines of Pakistan is superior to salt from other sources:

1. Purity. Himalayan salt is mined from caves at high elevations, far above the collective settling of air pollutants. This makes it effectively the purest form of salt on the planet.

2. Mineral content. In addition to the standard sodium chloride combination that makes this “salt,” Himalayan salt contains more than 84 other minerals and trace elements, many of which are considered beneficial to humans and many of which are lacking in our current diets. (This mineral content also accounts for the salt’s pink hue.

How is Himalayan Salt Used?

Below is a quick overview of some of the ways Himalayan salt is being used nowadays as a natural resource to improve health, so you can make your own informed decision about which to try.

A Natural Ionizer (e.g., Salt Lamps and Salt Walls)

As Himalayan salt is gently warmed, water vapor in the air condenses on its surface at the molecular level, naturally releasing negative ions into the air — i.e., negatively charged oxygen molecules. These ions have been shown to have a variety of benefits, including:

· Cleaning the air of pollutants

· Counteracting the effects of electromagnetic pollution from our electronic devices (also called “electro-smog”)

· Improving mood

· Improving respiration

Himlayan salt crystals and salt lamps have become popular household items for their ionization benefits, and those who desire higher ion concentrations have even begun constructing salt walls and salt rooms in their homes. “Negative ions are oxygen molecules with a negative charge allowing the person to take in up to 20–30% more oxygen,” explains Himalayan salt expert Rick Ori of Tibetan Salts. “This leads to immune boost, relief from stress and a benefit to those with breathing ailments.”

Used as Table Salt

In addition to improving air on the outside, many people are experiencing health benefits from Himalayan salt on the inside, using it as a replacement for table salt. As mentioned before, certain trace elements within this salt (for example, iodine, copper, zinc and others) are essential in small amounts for optimum bodily health. In his blog, nutrition expert Dr. Josh Axe also says Himalayan salt can help maintain pH balance in the body, as well as help maintain digestive health.

Used in Bathing

Used as a bath salt, Himlayan salt can act as a natural detoxifier, drawing toxins out of the skin through osmosis as a form of brine treatment. For best results, LiveStrong recommends using it in bath water at or near normal human skin temperature, approximately 97 degrees Fahrenheit.

As a Respiratory Treatment

Studies have shown that salt air can have a positive effect in treating a number of respiratory ailments, from asthma to sinus issues to COPD. In addition to using salt rooms and salt caves to this purpose, some people have chosen to add halotherapy to the mix — that is, breathing in air infused with tiny salt particles. The higher concentrations of salt often result in more significant positive results.

So is Himalayan salt the miracle drug of our time? Realistically, no, since no such “drug” likely exists. However, a growing body of evidence does seem to indicated that when used in the ways mentioned above, Himalayan salt may serve to enhance a healthy lifestyle, and may even present a drug-free alternative to treating certain ailments.



Jeff McQuilkin

Freelance writer and composer living and working in New York City.