Tips for Building a Salt Room

Jeff McQuilkin
4 min readMay 11, 2017


In a previous article posted here, we discussed the science behind salt room therapy and why a growing number of people are choosing salt therapy to treat various illnesses as a healthy alternative to prescription medicines. Nowadays, a growing number of companies are supplying the materials and know-how so people can experience the benefits of a salt cave from the comfort of their own homes. Likewise, as workplaces become more wellness-conscious of their employees, we’re seeing a growing number of companies build a salt room on-site for employees to use during breaks, downtime or even for conferences.

What are the Benefits of a Salt Room?

The primary benefit of any salt room or related salt product — the “active ingredient,” if you will — is the release of negative ions. As moisture in the air interacts with the salt, it releases negative ions — specifically, oxygen atoms with an extra electron, giving them a negative charge. The presence of negative ions in the air can do several things:

· They remove pollutants from the air. Negative ions attach themselves to positively charged pollutants and toxins, making them too heavy to remain in the air.

· They improve mood. (Even WebMD acknowledges ionized air can help depression.)

· They relieve tension.

· They can improve lung function and lower blood pressure.

· They alleviate the symptoms of respiratory ailments, from asthma to COPD.

The greater the ion concentration, the more pronounced the effects. While the ever-popular Himalayan salt lamps can produce these effects, they ionize the air only in limited amounts. Salt rooms have become increasingly popular as a way of surrounding the occupant with ion-producing salt so the concentration is greater.

Decide on a Space

One of the simplest ways to create a salt room is to convert an existing space in your home or office, such as a large closet or a spare room. Another option might be to create or convert an out-building on your property, such as a shed or guest house. Some people even prefer to combine the effects of a sauna with salt therapy by purchasing a small sauna and installing salt bricks in it. There really are no set rules as to the proper size or shape of a salt room; it depends on such factors as available space, your budget and your personal preferences. Bear in mind that the greater the surface area of your salt walls or floors, the higher the concentration of ions.

Decide on a Style

Again, this decision will be based on personal taste and aesthetic, as well as budget. Some people like to replicate the rustic feel of a salt cave using uncut salt blocks and dim lighting. Others prefer the clean lines of salt bricks, which can be constructed to form walls using special mortar. The design options are virtually endless, and if ion concentration matters to you, your contractor may have suggestions to increase the surface area.

Decide on Extras

The ion concentrations in your salt room may be enhanced by a number of additional features, including any/all of the following:

· Loose salt on the floor. Not only does this add to the surface area in your room, but walking on the salt can release more ions. Contractors recommend about an inch of salt for best results.

· Salt crusted ceilings. This step also increases the surface area and can even be designed to replicate stalactites in a salt cave.

· Illumination for salt bricks. The warm light against the bricks can release more ions as well as give your room a calming warm glow.

· A halogenerator. This device is a dry salt nebulizer that sprays tiny salt particles into the air. A halogenerator can super-charge the salt concentration in the air and may be a welcome addition if you are trying to treat more serious respiratory issues. (If space and budget are an issue for you, a halogenerator alone can effectively recreate some of the effects of a salt room even if you can’t afford to build one.)

Final Tips

Some final thoughts when constructing your salt room:

· Use only certified Himalayan salt products. Mined from high-altitude caves where pollutants can’t reach, Himalayan salt is considered the purest form of salt on the planet and will provide the greatest amount of benefit. That said, there are a few impostors out there, so only use Himalayan salt from a vendor you know and trust.

· Enlist a contractor to help you. You may be able to construct your own salt room if you have any experience laying bricks, but a salt room contractor may offer additional expertise as well as provide more options for increasing your salt room’s effectiveness.

Experts say that spending an hour in a salt cave can provide the same benefit as spending 2–3 days by the beach. Building a salt room enables you, your family and/or employees to receive that level of therapy every day from the comfort of your home or office. The design options are practically limitless, and for some, the wellness benefits are immeasurable.



Jeff McQuilkin

Freelance writer and composer living and working in New York City.