Nipun Wijerathne
6 min readSep 15, 2022

A diver uncovers government secrets buried at the bottom of the ocean.

I'm a diver

I’m a diver. I live underwater and spend my days exploring hidden wrecks, sunken ships, and other interesting things that lie beneath the sea. One day last summer, while diving near Tybee Island in Georgia — a place where hurricanes tend to form during October — I happened upon something unusual: an old B-17 bomber buried at the bottom of the ocean. The Navy refused to give up its location “in the interest of national security,” according to Kerry Sanders from NBC News… but if you follow rumours long enough, you’re bound to stumble upon an old interview from a guy named Jim Marrs who claims he saw records that prove that plane did crash into Tybee Island.”

There was a time, somewhere between the last world war and the first computer when the United States tried to control the weather.

There was a time, somewhere between the last world war and the first computer when the United States tried to control the weather. It didn’t work out so well for them: they couldn’t make it rain over entire countries because they didn’t have enough weapons or people in charge of making them rain. But they did manage to create one of history’s biggest climate change disasters by messing with their own atmosphere.

In 1947, Project Cirrus — a long-range experimental program aimed at manipulating global climate — was launched by none other than Albert Einstein himself (he was famous for being smart back then). The goal was simple: make it rain over entire countries so that people could farm more easily during harvest season. It worked like this: two planes would fly into each other at high speeds; once smashed together into one huge ball of burning aluminium and jet fuel vapours — and then explode into flames!

The military wanted to be able to control cloud cover because it interfered with their aeroplanes’ bombing missions, so they started a program called Project Cirrus in 1947. They wanted to make it rain over entire countries and make other countries’ weather patterns go haywire.

The military wanted to be able to control cloud cover

Because it interfered with their aeroplanes’ bombing missions, so they started a program called Project Cirrus in 1947. They wanted to make it rain over entire countries and make other countries’ weather patterns go haywire.

The project was successful: by 1951, the United States had cloud-obscuring machines that could create artificial clouds and fog at will over any place on Earth where they were needed — and they didn’t need any advanced technology or expensive materials like water vapour or heated air currents; all they needed was a little bit of electricity (which came from nuclear power plants) plus some chemicals that were easy enough for the average person on Earth’s surface not only understand but also manufacture themselves using only common household tools like cooking oil or dish soap!

The program’s scientists’ experiments were shabby at best.

For example, one scientist suggested that they could stop hurricanes by seeding the clouds with dry ice. How? By dropping it out of an aeroplane and flying directly into the hurricane.

You may have heard of dry ice, but what exactly is it? Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide. It sublimates into carbon dioxide gas when it hits the warmer air above the clouds and causes water droplets to condense around the dry ice, which makes them fall as rain.

Some scientists thought this could be useful in solving hurricanes: by dropping dry ice out of an aeroplane flying directly into a hurricane, they hoped that some parts of their experiments would be carried on currents and wind currents until they reached land — where they could do more experiments! But no one ever tried it because… well… why would anyone want to blow up their plane just for some science?

Dry ice is pretty dangerous stuff. You can’t just throw it into a storm and expect it to do anything useful. It melts under pressure, so if you dropped some out of an aeroplane, it would melt before it hit the ground. And even if it didn’t melt, you still wouldn’t get any rain from dropping dry ice into a hurricane because the air in a hurricane is already saturated with water vapour — there isn’t any room for more!

So they took a B-17 bomber filled with dry ice and flew directly into a hurricane off the coast of Savannah, Georgia in October 1947.

Their pilot bailed out at the last second, and their plane crashed into the ocean near Tybee Island. Nobody knows exactly where that plane is today, but there are plenty of rumours about what might be inside its cargo hold.

So they took a B-17 bomber filled with dry ice and flew directly into a hurricane off the coast of Savannah, Georgia in October 1947. Their pilot bailed out at the last second, and their plane crashed into the ocean near Tybee Island. Nobody knows exactly where that plane is today, but there are plenty of rumours about what might be inside its cargo hold.

If you want to learn more about that story — and maybe even find out if it’s true — you can read my book about it: “Diving Into Deep Waters: The True Story Of A Lost Airplane And Its Secret Cargo.”

The B-17 is one of the most famous aeroplanes in history. It was used by the United States Army Air Forces during World War II, and over 12,000 were built. That makes it one of the most produced aircraft in aviation history. And since the plane was designed with large payloads in mind, it’s not surprising that rumours about its cargo hold persist today.

The Navy has refused to give up the plane’s location

The Navy has refused to give up the plane’s location “in the interest of national security,” according to Kerry Sanders from NBC News. But if you follow rumours long enough, you’re bound to stumble upon an old interview from a guy named Jim Marrs who claims he saw records that prove that plane did crash into Tybee Island.

The Navy

The Navy has refused to give up the plane’s location “in the interest of national security,” according to Kerry Sanders from NBC News. But if you follow rumours long enough, you’re bound to stumble upon an old interview from a guy named Jim Marrs who claims he saw records that prove that plane did crash into Tybee Island.

Marrs says it was carrying dry ice and secret government documents related to UFOs and other unidentified flying objects (UFOs). He also claimed there were nuclear weapons aboard, along with classified equipment belonging to NASA.

The plane was carrying a load of dry ice, which the government uses to test the effects of space on living organisms. It crashed into a mangrove swamp on Tybee Island and burned up. There were no survivors.”

So there you have it: the United States government is trying to control the weather, and one of its aeroplanes crashed into the ocean off Tybee Island on October 18, 1947. What does this mean for us? Well, for starters, we know that if this story is true then there’s a chance that some classified documents could still be inside that old plane. Imagine being given access to them by accident!

So what do you think? Is our government really capable of controlling the weather? Or are they just messing around with our heads? Either way — keep an eye out for these rumours because they’ll probably come back again sometime soon!

Nipun Wijerathne

Hello! I’m a creative writer, and I love it. I write creative fictions & mysteries of my own making. When I’m not writing, you’ll find me reading and watching.