Why Clark is the Best Destination for Outsourcing

Jackson White
4 min readMar 9, 2023


An image of the gate entering Clark

It’s hard to reduce costs while increasing efficiency, right? High-cost labour in your country can be a real bummer. I’ll tell you why the Philippines has become one of the best outsourcing hubs in the world. In this blog, I’ll let you know one of the best cities to outsource your work to in the Philippines.

Clark, Pampanga

Clark has been known to be the top city for offshoring destinations in the Philippines. Offshoring companies in Clark have grown exponentially throughout the years and more and more countries worldwide tend to outsource their work to these companies.

What is Clark Offshoring?

Clark Offshoring is a Philippines-based business process outsourcing (BPO) company. They offer many services to companies worldwide, such as customer service, technical support, virtual assistance, data entry, and software development. Clark Offshoring helps small and medium-sized businesses cut costs by sending their non-core tasks to their team in the Philippines.

What are the benefits of outsourcing to Clark Offshoring?

Offshoring your business operations by hiring offshore staff from Clark can benefit your company in numerous ways. Some of the most important benefits are having access to highly skilled and educated professionals in the Philippines. The Philippines being among the lowest labour cost in the world, you are saving a lot of money compared to hiring locally. And make your business more efficient and productive, and be able to quickly scale up or down. Clark Offshoring also pays a lot of attention to data privacy and security, making sure that your sensitive business information is safe.

What kind of businesses can benefit from outsourcing to Clark Offshoring?

So if you want to save money and improve your efficiency, offshoring companies in Clark is a great idea. Small and medium-sized businesses, in particular, can get a lot out of outsourcing. It helps them compete better with bigger companies by giving them access to the same talent and technology at a much lower cost. Clark Offshoring’s services are also great for businesses in fields like e-commerce, healthcare, real estate, finance, and technology, among others.

Now, let’s jump right into why Clark is the best destination for your business

Strategic location: Clark is in Central Luzon, which is the heart of staff leasing in the Philippines. It is easy to get to Manila and Cebu, two of the biggest cities in the country. It is also in a stable part of the world that isn’t very likely to be hit by natural disasters like earthquakes, typhoons, or floods.

Highly skilled workforce: We’ve already discussed this but I believe it is worth mentioning once again. Clark has a large pool of professionals who are smart, skilled, and good at communicating. They can work quickly and well in industries like BPO, IT, and manufacturing, among others. Also, the culture of the people who work in Clark is similar to that of the West. This makes it easier to communicate and work with clients from all over the world.

Modern infrastructure: This is one of the reasons why Clark separates itself from other cities in the Philippines. Clark is proud of its infrastructure, which is modern and on par with that of other developed countries. The city has modern facilities like high-speed internet, reliable power and water supplies, modern transportation systems, and world-class business facilities.

Government support: Like most offshore outsourcing in the Philippines, the government of the Philippines has set up incentives and support programmes to encourage foreign investment in the country. These incentives include tax holidays, duty-free importation of capital equipment, and other financial aid programmes. This makes it more appealing for businesses to set up shop in Clark.

Cost-effective: Even though cutting costs is a common reason for outsourcing, the cost of doing business in Clark is still much lower than in other developed countries. However, it doesn’t mean that quality has to suffer. Who wouldn’t want to save money and do more with what they already have?

Because of the low cost of living and low cost of labour, businesses can save money while still making high-quality products.

English proficiency: We all know that the Philippines are known for having a lot of people who speak English well. This country is one of the few in Asia where English is one of the official languages. This ability to speak English is a huge benefit for businesses that want to outsource their work to Clark. So offshore teams don’t need any more language training. Great right?

In conclusion

In the end, it’s up to each business to decide whether or not to send work to Clark. With all that’s been said, I think it’s worth thinking about the many benefits the city has to offer. From a skilled workforce to a helpful government and a high quality of life. Clark has many things to offer businesses that want to grow. So, why not think about Clark as your next place to outsource and take advantage of all it has to offer?



Jackson White

Freelance photographer and writer with diverse experience. 8+ years of experience. I enjoy teaching others. I also do freelance work and lecture.