What’s the ideal role for government within digital transformation?

Sergio Mottola
5 min readMar 29, 2017

In September of last year I was invited to a convention called ‘Energie per l’Italia,’ organised by Stefano Parisi, a leading figure on the Italian political scene. The initiative was based around a subject close to my heart: generating new ideas to energise Italy, especially from a technology point of view.

I’m very pleased to say that his team asked me to coordinate a working group dedicated to the digital transformation of Italy’s public administration, and the country itself.

I love applying design thinking processes to social problems — but to be perfectly honest, I was excited and intimidated at the same time. The goal of the group was to build part of the political offering of a new movement, and delivering against such a project, with a brand new team at national level, was a huge challenge. However, it was very inspiring and I would love to share with you our initial thinking about the tasks facing Italy from a digital standpoint.

Starting out

Our team carefully reviewed all the material from the AGID (the Agency for the Italian Digital Transformation); particularly the website area that explains the Italian Digital Agenda and the concept of ‘Italy Login.’ We also deepened our engagement with the European Single Digital Market strategies, as the…



Sergio Mottola

Blockchain & Digital Transformation Strategy Expert. Speaker. Thinker. Mentor. Innovator. Investor.