Michael Ramsburg
1 min readAug 28, 2016


Most of Pennsylvania, Susan, is included in the federal definition of the Appalachian cultural region (see map above). Of course, the Appalachian mountains stretch all the way to Maine in the U.S., but when people refer to the cultural region of Appalachia they are generally speaking of the area you see on this map. The Molly McGuires were very active in the north-eastern coalfields of Pennsylvania, which is within the Appalachian cultural region.

For those readers who do not know, the Molly McGuires were a group of Irish who advocated for Irish-American and Irish immigrant coal miners in the Pennsylvania coalfields. They are often remembered for violent conflicts, and suspected members were executed by hanging in the 1870s.



Michael Ramsburg

Local journalist (in W.Va.). National science communicator. GIS and data specialist. Amateur astronomer. Necrotizing fasciitis survivor. Forever curious.