Michael Ramsburg
2 min readOct 9, 2016


The Writer’s Market, as J.S. recommended, Gail Boenning is a great resource. It lists tons of publications, even categorizing them by publication type and subject, the amount paid by the publication (believe me, it’s usually not a lot — but then, most not choose a career in writing for the money), etc.

Once you identify a publication that you think would be a good fit for the piece, write the editor. Explain to them your idea for the feature, and then SELL them on why it would be a good fit for their publication. Think like a marketer. It’s tricky (the trickiest part to me) and you will probably get a few rejection letters. That is ok. I repeat: that’s ok. It’s NORMAL. Everyone has been rejected. It stings. It sucks. But after a while, you get used to it. And it’s honestly nothing to take personal.

After you find a publication that may want your piece, then set out researching. Interview the subject. Ask compelling questions, ones that can be answered with more than a simple “yes” or “no.” Then, take those quotes — and the other research bits you have done — and mold them into your feature. You have a very good handle on writing, it seems. This part should be a breeze for you.

Then, it’s just a matter of of submitting, and waiting. And waiting. And perhaps revising the piece per the editors request. And then waiting some more. Then finally — finally !— you see your name in print, and you get all fuzzy inside and celebrate with a local craft brew which generally costs about half of what you’re getting paid for the feature — before taxes.

Then, repeat with a new idea. ☺

In all seriousness, I think you would do well. I do have some contacts at the Charleston (W.Va.) Gazette’s Travel section I can put you in contact with. I am not an editor, so I can’t guarantee they will accept the story. *But* it doesn’t hurt to ask. If you’re interested, I can send you their email address via a private message, and I would be happy to put you in contact with other editors I know at other publications.



Michael Ramsburg

Local journalist (in W.Va.). National science communicator. GIS and data specialist. Amateur astronomer. Necrotizing fasciitis survivor. Forever curious.