2 min readOct 26, 2019

Bad Eating Habits

Most of the people fall into a daily routine that can include skipping breakfast, wolfing down an unhealthy lunch, grabbing soda, chips, candy, donuts or coffee all day.

Following is a list of the top six bad eating habits.

1. Binging:

When foods are low in fiber and high in sugar or salt and partially hydrogenated trans fats the tendency is to over-consume. When eating five to six small meals a day of high fibered fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes ,seeds and nuts , the result is burning more calories and storing less fat because your body’s thermal effect is raised more frequently. Binging on refined processed foods is probably the greatest cause of obesity.

2. Starving Yourself:

Before and after binging comes starvation. Skip breakfast and your body has been “starving” for 12 to 18 hours resulting in over-eating again and causing your body to store much of the food as fat, as it can not burn it all for energy.

3. Sugar, White Flour, Caffeine and simple carbohydrates :

Sugar raises blood sugar (glucose) levels, causing your body to produce insulin and changes your metabolic rate. Those who eat a lot of white flour and sugar products, loaded with empty calories, will store more fat and have a harder time burning it. Caffeine also raises the insulin levels, slowing down the fat burning process that starts in the morning and slows down throughout the day. Eating simple sugar carbohydrates late in the day promotes fat storage and blood sugar swings. Eating high fiber whole foods as a late night snack can help maintain a steady blood sugar level to give your body deep rest.

4. Skipping Breakfast:

Bet you thought your stomach tells you when you are full. It is actually your brain that signals your body it has had enough food, taking about 20 minutes from the time you begin eating. By eating chewy foods in a relaxed manner, you will be much less likely to overeat.

5. Lack of Exercise:

Our bodies were made to move so the less you feel like going for a walk, the better you will feel after going for a walk! Exercise increases our metabolism to help burn the food we eat as energy.

6. Not Drinking Enough Water:

Water is crucial for your brain cells and every organ in your body (including your skin) to work properly. For your body to burn fat, it needs at least eight glasses of pure water daily. Water not only satisfies your thirst, it reduces hunger and flushes out toxins. Liquids such as soda and coffee actually deplete your body of water. Do drink your water — it makes your whole body feel good!


I am a teacher by profession.I teach English language.I am interested in reading and writing.