Being DAD means helping navigate relationships!

Gerald "Mr. BPOZ" Mayes
4 min readNov 6, 2023

Hey there fellow dads,

I’ve got four kids, aged 21, 19, 17, and 14, and let me tell you, each one of them has encountered their fair share of relationship hurdles — be it with friends, acquaintances, or just fellow students at school. We’ve had our fair share of conversations about everything from dealing with bullies to navigating the wild world of boyfriends and girlfriends, love, and yes, even the birds and the bees.

You know what? If I look back on my own journey through life, I’ve certainly had my own experiences with…



Gerald "Mr. BPOZ" Mayes

A Dad, doing my duty and helping other dads be better fathers, husband and men. I also like sports🏈, Grilling🥩, and making my kids fetch me ice water 🧊💧