Just Be Dad!

Gerald "Mr. BPOZ" Mayes
2 min readNov 9, 2023

Hey fellow dads,

Have you ever found yourself caught up in the struggle of living up to societal expectations about what it means and looks like to be a dad? I certainly have, and it was a topic of conversation during my regular Monday morning chat with a friend. As we delved into the challenges of fatherhood, my friend dropped a truth bomb that resonated with me: “Dads Just Need To Be Dads!”

It’s a simple yet profound statement that urges us to stop fixating on our perceived shortcomings and instead focus on confidently providing what we know best.

I can vividly recall numerous arguments with my wife over my straightforward approach, my seemingly stoic response to tears, or what she perceived as harshness toward our kids — harshness that was warranted, in my opinion. These disagreements used to leave me questioning my abilities as a father. Am I too strict? Will my disciplinary actions negatively impact my kids’ perception of me? Should I be more lenient, as TikTok suggests?

The Good Dad

These doubts would plague my mind, eroding my self-confidence as a dad. However, the statement, “Dads Just Need To Be Dads,” somehow put everything into perspective. I came to appreciate that, just like my wife, I have a unique parenting style that contributes to our family’s balance.

I adore how my wife embodies motherhood — kind, nurturing, thoughtful, and always connecting with our children on a deep emotional level. It’s no secret that when it comes to matters of the heart, Mom is the go-to person in our household. Dad, on the other hand, brings practicality to the table, and let’s face it, practicality and heightened emotions often clash initially.

The truth is, dads parent differently, and that’s perfectly okay — it’s all about balance! Over the years, I’ve discovered my strength lies in providing perspective and encouraging problem-solving. When emotions begin to subside and confusion starts to seep in, I step in to bring my children back to reality and guide them forward.

My way is not superior or more critical; it’s just my role in my family.

Perhaps you play a different role in yours. The key to your family’s success and, more importantly, your enjoyment as a father is to identify what you excel at and consistently show up with it. You don’t need to emulate Mom; just be the best dad you can and know how to be!

🍻Cheers to Just Being Dad!



Gerald "Mr. BPOZ" Mayes

A Dad, doing my duty and helping other dads be better fathers, husband and men. I also like sports🏈, Grilling🥩, and making my kids fetch me ice water 🧊💧