Binge Watching: The New Way to Episodic Series

Scot Duke
3 min readJun 4, 2017


I can safely say I am hooked on Binge Watching and I have NetFlix to thank for it…or was it Amazon….no wait…Acron Tv could be where it started for me. No matter how it started for me, the time I now spend watching TV is much more worth spending now that I don’t have to wait a week to see the next episode of a series.

Definition of binge–watch

transitive verb

  1. the practice of watching multiple episodes of a television program in rapid succession, typically by means of DVDs or digital streaming.
  2. : to watch many or all episodes of (a TV series) in rapid successionEven those of us who have bundled TV and broadband-Internet subscriptions from telephone or cable companies increasingly use them to binge-watch Netflix shows like Orange Is the New Black on an iPad … rather than flip through 500 channels to find nothing on. — Rana Foroohar

Binge Watching is now the new way to watch any type of episodic series on device capable of producing a video stream.

Of course, anything that becomes popular also draws in the advertisers which draws in the electronic device manufacturers that draw in the film producers and…the list goes on of interested parties from the attention Binge Watching has created. That includes consumers.

Is Binge Watching a Good thing or Bad Thing?

For me, an executive producer of videos, it is a way to spend three hours watching a specific camera technique used during the production of shows like Hawaii Five-0 (new version). This is good for our SyncLab Media clients since what I learned will now be brought into what we will use in the creation of our videos.

On the other hand, the popularity of Binge Watching has now created episodic series produced to be ‘Binge Watched’ and the streaming services, like MetFlix, Amazon, and others… have now set up their services so you can sit in your recliner and watch one episode after another without having to click the remote.

The real bad things about Binge Watching have not arrived yet. That would things like ‘Forced Advertisements’..Kinda like what YouTube has gone to where you have to pay to not watch commercials. This means…that if you have not experienced bing watching…you better get with it because it will just be a matter of time before the ability to spent an unlimited amount of time without seeing a single commercial will be history.

How to Binge Watch

I have turned on a few dozen of my posse to binge watching. This usually happens when one, or several, close friends stop by at the end of the day and I am still working on watching camera angle transitions used with special effects on the Marvel Comic production of Arrow. They see what I am doing and BAM..they are now Binge Watchers.

All you have to do to Binge Watch is turn on NetFlix, click on a series (not Movie) you want to watch and you can watch all episodes of all seasons of that program..non-stop if you like.

Binge Watching. If you have not Binge Watched a show yet at least try it one time..I think you will get hooked.

Let me know how I can help.

Originally published at Scot Duke.

