Digital Marketing: Always Two Schools of Thought

Scot Duke
3 min readJan 27, 2017


School of Thought

There are a large number of Schools of Thoughts but at the very least there usually is only Two that come up against each other. Not always is one school of thought wrong and the other school of thought right, but on the most part that is just the way it is going to be.

For today’s businesses there are a number of different Schools of Thought. Most are very logical points of view to consider and others are Not.

Here are a few Schools of Thought currently facing business leaders.

Hire or Contract Help

The age old, ‘do we hire employees to do our social media or just contract the work out?’ conundrum is one every business today will face. In the debate of DIY Digital Marketing vs Out Sourcing to a Digital Marketing Agency, the the most logical way to decide goes to the If We Save Money Let’s Do It School of Thought. If the business aves money by out-sourcing their digital marketing then out-sourcing would be the smart move to make.

Self Administered Digital Marketing or Hire Professionals

The Do-It-Yourself School of Thought has a lot of seemingly positive merit, sounds good and would seem to provide self satisfaction.

Unfortunately, the smart move is not always made. Many businesses feel they will have more control of the funds spent on their digital marketing if they keep all digital marketing activities in-house. What takes place from attempting to do something that is not the core of the business is usually not positive.

Most businesses lack the understanding of what digital marketing does that traditional marketing does not. Businesses today cannot approach using traditional methods of marketing to today’s internet savvy consumers. Having an untrained, unknowledgeable and uncaring in-house digital marketing staff, or, even worse, assigning digital marketing to a staff already assigned other duties, does not have a positive outcome.

In this case, the Outsource the Digital Marketing School of Thought provides the business the best education. The alternative would be to have a digital marketing agency train new hires to become the new in-house digital marketing department.

When it comes to digital marketing the chances are high the time spent and money wasted with the fails of DYI would be better used towards joining the Let The Pro’s Handle It School of Thought. There are a lot of success stories on how someone made something themselves and made a lot of money, but 90% of the time the DYI fail due to lack of knowledge and experience on the complete process. Let The Pro’s Handle It School of Thought is the ivy league school of thought for businesses.

Hire Professional Videographer or Shoot Business Videos Yourself

Thinking taking producing videos is easy, and feeling anyone could make videos, are the first two mistake those who join the Let’s Save a Ton of Money By Producing Our Own Videos for Our Company’s Web-Site School of Thought. The internet..especially filled with failed attempts from someone who graduated magna cum laude from the I Have a Brother-In-Law Who Got a DSRL For Christmas School of Thought.

Doing business…any kind of business…should be taken very seriously. If the business does not have the budget to pay the tuition to the Let The Pro’s Handle It School of Thought, it probably would be best to not attempt producing videos for your business. The damage caused by poorly produced videos is unrecoverable.

The age of smartphone videos capturing consumer’s attention died right after the last graduating class of the Hey, Check This Out School of Thought. If you are serious about your business’ success then make sure to pick the right School of Thought and stay there until you at least get a PHD.

Let me know how I can help.

Originally published at Scot Duke.

