Unleash Your Superpower — Building Your Community

6 min readSep 30, 2023

Greetings, my anonymous friend!

I go by the name Marc Powers, a moniker that represents the brand I’m currently cultivating. At 44 years old, I’ve embarked on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and learning.

Music has been my passion for nearly three decades. What started as lighthearted hobby during my teenage years has transformed me into a professional music producer, rapper and sound engineer. I’ve had the privilege of having my work featured in TV shows, NFL games, WWE events, Sky Sports presentations and also a prominent German television program. Additionally, I co-produced for renowned German rap artists and released several own projects alongside talented people from Europe.

Now, I find myself deeply immersed in the world of crypto, particularly NFTs.

Over the past six weeks, I’ve been hosting daily spaces on Twitter, where I discuss and showcase music, NFTs, crypto and personal experiences. In a short span of time, I’ve become an influencer and even a marketing consultant for various NFT projects. For the first time in my life, I can genuinely say that I’m truly happy with my professional endeavors.

So, what led to this newfound happiness?

The answer is simple! I’ve finally found and build my community.

However, the path to discovering it was anything but smooth. I had to search far and wide for a considerable amount of time, sometimes without realizing what I’m searching for.

For the longest time of my life, I found myself trapped in negative and toxic relationships (not with the women I had relationships with, they still have a special place in my heart forever). Coming from an impoverished background, I was surrounded by people who had a detrimental influence on one another. These individuals possessed the uncanny ability to extinguish any trace of positivity and active energy with a single sentence, I was one of them!

My environment was rife with alcoholism, drug abuse and various forms of self-destructive behavior. It was a life devoid of self-love and filled with misery.

I understand that this may sound overwhelmingly negative. However, it was my reality for a substantial period of time. I always had a nagging feeling that something was amiss, but as an addicted alcoholic who turned to drugs to escape myself and my potential, I couldn’t make sense of anything in life. I lost my apartment twice, resorted to stealing food and engaged in minor criminal activities just to stay afloat.

I also attempted numerous times to quit alcohol and drugs. I even managed to stay clean for eight months and ventured abroad. However, upon my return, I immediately fell back into my old habits.

Marc Powers Logo Background

Why am I sharing such a personal story with you?

It’s because most of the hardships I endured were a result of my environment and the community I was part of. Please don’t misunderstand me; I don’t blame anyone for my past or my life. I take full responsibility for my actions and decisions in my life. That’s also not the point I want to emphasize.

So what is the point here and what’s the solution?

I made the difficult decision to leave my country and my toxic environment behind. I embarked on a complete life reset. It was undeniably challenging, and there’s still a lingering ache from abandoning it all. Intitally, I still clung my old vices, such as excessive drinking every day.
But then something remarkable happened.


During a particularly intense afternoon nap, I had a vivid daydream. In this dream I found myself in a hospital, where a doctor informed me that I had mere three months to live, if I continued my destructive lifestyle of drugs, cigarettes and the like. It was a terrifying wake-up call. Which I forgot shortly after, of course.

Two weeks later, I feel ill. Lying in bed, it struck me like a bolt of lightning. I vividly remembered that daydream and make a resolute decision to abandon my destructive habits and start anew. This transformation occured right in the midst of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, a time I would usually indulge in excessive drinking. BUT NOT THIS TIME!

San Marcosmos Frequency Music on Soundcloud

Since then, I’ve never looked back. I’ve been clean and sober for more than five years, and I’ve even resumed using a small amount of cannabis, which has greatly aided me in sorting my thoughts and supported me engaging in inner therapy.

Now, let’s return to the original topic: communities are your superpower!

Once I gained clarity and analyzed my inner struggles, habits and traumas. I set out to find a community where I could showcase and utilize my talents and skills. It took me over four years of self-therapy before I felt confident enough to reintegrate into society and share my true self with the world.

My crypto journey began in 2020, and I immediately sought out intelligent, engaging and fun individuals to collaborate and build with. It took some time, but I eventually found my first community — a metaverse community called TCG World. This community also boasted an artist guild and a dedicated music community.

I reached out and connected with some truly wonderful people, and we continue to work together to this day. I even performed a Telegram concert for their second anniversary and regularly shared my music in one of their groups Twitter space. This newfound community provided an unprecedented level of encouragement and support — a feeling I had rarely experienced before. And it was all the more powerful and clear due to my sobriety and absence of destructive substances. So I’m truly grateful for this first personal milestone on my crypto journey.

But my search didn’t stop here. I continued to seek out other communities, and I eventually stumbled upon another perfect match within an NFT community on a groundbreaking new blockchain called PulseChain Network.

Within this community, I found intelligent, critical thinkers, who possessed a positive attitude and were and absolute joy to collaborate and live with. This discovery marked a turning point in my life. It propelled me to run my own Twitter space, become a community leader for various groups and people, start selling my own music NFTs, explore other blockchains and their communities, launch my own token ($HTR, HypeTrain) and establish my own dedicated community as well as pushing my own brand.

PulseChain Logo

Now, I ask myself, what took me so long to embrace my true self and share it with the world?

As I mentioned earlier, it all boils down to finding or creating our own community.

Become a leader in your own right and discover your true identity through this process.

To achieve this, you must be proactive, reach out to people and get in contact with them.

Throughout my life, I waited for others to recognize my worth and understand my value. However, the truth is that nobody will care about you unless you become actively engaged and demonstrate your value to your community.

If you already have a handful of individuals or even just one true friend, reach out to them. Make plans, assess your existing skillset and venture out to find more like-minded partners and maybe even more friends.

Remember, you are not alone!

There are countless individuals out there who share your aspirations and eagerly await positive, proactive individuals with a vision.

And if you ever need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I may know some people who can connect you with the right community.

Remember again, you are never alone!

Thats it the most crucial message I wish to impart.

I hope you find your community and harness its incredible power to make significant impact on the world.

Create it — Anything is possible, my friend.

With love and peace,

Marc Powers

@marcpowers42 (Twitter, Telegram, Instagram)




Marc hosts a daily space on Twitter discussing NFTs, Crypto, and music called 'Riding The HypeTrain'.