Your MRCS doubts answered: “Should I take the MRCS or PLAB/UKMLA?”

One of the most common dilemmas faced by IMGs.

MRCS On The Go
5 min readJan 20, 2024

In the world of IMGs (international medical graduates), choosing between the PLAB/UKMLA and MRCS exams often becomes a significant crossroad. Each path presents unique challenges and opportunities, making the decision pivotal for medics aspiring to practice in the UK.

As many articles have illustrated detailed comparisons between these two exams, this article aims to consolidate essential information about each exam to help you make an informed decision.

Image of doctors studying by Drazen Zigic

Primary Purpose of Each Exam 🔍


The PLAB exam (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) is designed as the gateway for IMGs into the UK medical landscape as a mode of licensing examination for IMGs; the PLAB’s “successor,” the UKMLA (United Kingdom Medical Licensing Assessment), is a licensing exam that will replace PLAB from 2024 onward. Graduating UK medical students will also be required to take the UKMLA.

Both exams have two parts: a theory exam, the AKT (applied knowledge test), and an OSCE exam, the CPSA (clinical and professional skills assessment), which aim to assess the candidates’ theoretical and clinical knowledge, are taken on separate days.


The MRCS (Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons) is a postgraduate qualification tailored for aspiring surgeons to advance their professional journeys. It is a prerequisite examination for surgeons aiming to enter specialty training in the UK.

This exam evaluates the candidates through two parts: a theory exam in MRCS Part A (consisting of two MCQ exams — Paper 1 and Paper 2 taken on the same day) and an OSCE exam in MRCS Part B (consisting of both OSCE and viva components).

Which one is easier — PLAB/UKMLA or MRCS? 💭

Decisions, decisions… by katemangostar

From someone who has taken both PLAB and MRCS…

Undoubtedly, the MRCS is more demanding as it is a postgraduate qualification that tests the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to enter higher surgical training.

It covers more detailed and in-depth surgical topics than the PLAB/UKMLA. Therefore, surgical experience is advantageous — a topic explored in detail here.

However, the PLAB/UKMLA is by no means a walk in the park! As a medical licensing exam, it covers more breadth than depth — ranging from General Medicine to Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, to Infectious Diseases and Surgery — covering bread-and-butter topics encountered at a junior level (i.e., F2).

Personally, the PLAB 2 has refined my MRCS Part B preparation, especially in terms of professionalism during communication, history-taking, and physical examination stations.

Further Considerations: Exam Availability and Location

The MRCS is more convenient than PLAB/UKMLA, as there are more test centers globally — specifically 5,600 testing sites across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia for MRCS Part A.

On the other hand, the PLAB 1/UKMLA AKT can be taken in the UK and just 12 overseas locations, making it a challenge post-pandemic (due to previous flight restrictions and delayed examination dates — repercussions that current candidates experience till this day) to book a seat for the UK license exam.

It is worth noting that MRCS Part B also has international test centers, whereas PLAB 2/UKMLA CPSA is primarily held in one location: the GMC’s clinical assessment center in Manchester, UK. Because of this, it can be difficult for IMGs to secure an exam date for PLAB 2/UKMLA CPSA, not to mention the struggles that come with applying for a visa to the UK and dealing with the possibility of visa rejections, resulting in unexpected financial loss. 😢

Luckily, the MRCS Part B has numerous test centers worldwide, giving IMGs peace of mind with greater viability, availability of exam slots, and the option of choosing more economic alternatives.

Which one is cheaper — PLAB/UKMLA or MRCS? 💸

“Nothing worth having comes easy.” Theodore Roosevelt

“Nor it comes cheap.” MRCS On The Go

Aside from paying for these exams, remember to factor in additional expenditures such as study resources, question banks, visas, flight tickets, accommodation, English language proficiency tests (OET/IELTS), etc.

When writing, PLAB 1/UKMLA AKT costs £255, and PLAB 2/UKMLA CPSA costs £934, totaling £1,189.

The MRCS also has two parts, with MRCS Part A at £550 and MRCS Part B at £1,047, which sums up to £1,597.

From this comparison, you can tell immediately that the MRCS is more expensive (by a whopping £408). This is expected since it is a postgraduate specialist exam, where more resources are required to conduct it properly (i.e., computerized testing centers, examiners, standardized patients, patient actors, equipment, etc.)

However, knowing that you can take the MRCS exam in international test centers and avoid the hassle of traveling to the UK, you can save up on visa fees, travel expenses, and accommodation costs —which can add up to approximately £500 on average!

Besides, before taking the PLAB/UKMLA, you must provide evidence of your English language proficiency through IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or the OET (Occupational English Test), which cost around £215 — £220 and £329, respectively.

In contrast, prerequisites for the MRCS only require a basic medical degree. Keep in mind that eventually, applying for GMC registration with your MRCS qualification requires IELTS or OET as evidence of your English language proficiency.

Summary / Conclusion 📜

Image of hand holding a lightbulb by DilokaStudio

Undoubtedly, the MRCS demands a higher level of expertise, given its postgraduate nature. It delves deeper into surgical topics, necessitating surgical experience. The PLAB/UKMLA, while extensive, covers a broad spectrum of medical fields, posing a unique set of challenges.

MRCS holds an advantage in availability, with numerous test centers globally for both Part A and Part B. In contrast, PLAB/UKMLA has limited overseas locations, and the PLAB 2/UKMLA CPSA is conducted primarily in the UK.

In short, the PLAB/UKMLA is a relatively more straightforward exam compared to the MRCS. While comparing solely on examination costs may seem cheaper, hidden costs tally up, rivaling the total cost of the MRCS exam.

In conclusion, the decision between MRCS and PLAB/UKMLA depends on various factors. Each path is unique, and IMGs should carefully evaluate the pros and cons to make an informed decision that aligns with their aspirations.

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