An Alt Right Racist is in the Houston City Council Runoff. The Media is Ignoring It.

Daniel J. Cohen
3 min readDec 5, 2019


Anthony Dolcefino escorts a white supremacist speaker to the stage at a Turning Point USA event at his college campus.

In one particular race, At-Large 4, Letitia Plummer faces Anthony Dolcefino after emerging as the top two vote getters, with Dolcefino coming in first. Shortly after the election, a local Austin media outlet called Autonomedia, which has reported rather extensively on Dolcefino before, released new information about him and his campaign that should matter to every Houstonian: his campaign manager John Stolz is a white supremacist who admins and expresses extremely racist ideas in a racist Facebook group for UT students called UT Hot Takes and associates with other open white supremacists.

Dolcefino himself affiliates with several other openly racist UT activists. Last year, he allegedly personally helped program an event for an openly white supremacist speaker from UK named Katie Hopkins who has called for putting Muslims in concentration camps, referred to immigrants as cockroaches, and blamed the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh on the Rabbi’s support for migrants (just the tip of the iceberg of horrible racist things Hopkins has said). Later, he would defend Hopkins' speech as protesters worked to shut it down, touting it as “free speech” to Breitbart News.

That Dolcefino would take part in the event last year proves two very important things: that he believes in this ideology enough to facilitate it, and has openly done so too recently to have changed his mind about it with any certainty that it will stick. His decision to choose a politically active racist to be his campaign manager and to help genocidal racists gain exposure for their beliefs mean that he would work to staff City Hall with racists and curry their favor during his tenure.

The media in Houston has, thus far, been pin drop quiet about this story. The only outlet that has really commented on the race at all was the Houston Chronicle, and they have not once mentioned any of these facts about Dolcefino. Rather, their coverage has equivocated Plummer and Dolcefino as having “independent streaks”, opting to highlight a picture of Dolcefino from the story that came directly from the Dolcefino campaign:

So what’s with the journalistic malpractice? Why isn’t Houston media covering this story? Is it because the source, Autonomedia, is too radical in their eyes for them to tell the truth? Is it that the window of what is considered acceptable in politics has moved so far toward racism and sexism that a city council candidate with a shot of winning cannot be held responsible in the media? Is that not considered information that is valuable to voters before they go to the polls to determine who runs Houston?

Is it fear of Anthony’s father, Wayne Dolcefino? After years of piss-yellow journalism from the older Dolcefino, is the Houston media establishment so frightened (or in league) to act that they refuse to cover the hostile, racist attitudes of his son? Or is it fear that they’ll be seen as selective in their reporting because they haven’t covered the city council race to date?

Whatever the reason, it is a shame that the media isn’t informing the public. As the only profession protected by the Constitution, their job is to provide us with the information necessary to make informed decisions. They haven’t, instead opting for what they perceive to be “fairness” and “equivalence”.

White supremacists and white nationalists are filling our ranks of government at all levels. They invite advocates of genocide to campuses and spread openly racist propaganda. They feel as though they can run in the standard electoral system and get away with it by normalizing their racist perspective.

From City Hall to the White House, we have to stop them.



Daniel J. Cohen

Indivisible Houston Founder. Interested in Politics, Communities, Communications. Hope is powerful.