In response to WhalePanda — Ethereum Rant

Mark Rees
2 min readJun 14, 2017


Whalepanda recently attempted a semi-satirical look at ethereum recently in what appeared to me as a desperate attempt to look clever. He\she\they were trying too hard. One theory… Whalepanda is really Satoshi? Ok, somebody had to call out the elephant (Or manbearpig) in the room.


The rant goes on and on and on…. but I can save you the time by just condensing it to the message.

The ICO token sales on ethereum are really dumb because it creates a money bubble and some people will get rich and somebody is going to cry.

Or in other words: Ethereum pretty much works like everything else in life.

He\she\it admitting she\it benefits from the profit of it all . But laughably and likely unintentionally, gets sacrimonious about anybody else doing the same.

Yet this admittedly scares her\she\they — because it seems they only really care about the poor innocent land of crypto that might be blamed…Wait who?…uh nevermind. Pot? Meet Kettle.

Then she\it\he… Spends the rest of the article in some self-defense making the assumption that they\she\it is something so important that somebody might care enough to think anything at all of him\she\it. I wouldn’t say narcissistic…but perhaps some would — if they actually cared enough about this ….thing.

He\she\it\they then wrap it up by essentially saying they are part of the problem and not the see ya.

Um…well shall we say that was insightful? Not really. “I AM COMPLETELY CHANGING MY OPINION NOW — THANKS!” — Said nobody.

So why would I bother with a response? I was bored and needed a break from looking up the next ICO up for auction. It was this or memorizing my hard wallet seed words again. Everytime I get to the word MANBEARPIG I loose focus.

Credit manbearpig from



Mark Rees

Independently Unwealthy doing Blockchain of Things.