Mr Gelberhut
3 min readFeb 5, 2023

❗This article is moved. New location:

Usually people make year-results posts in the very begging of the next year. Some services like Strava do this even earlier.

I do this now (in February) and I do this using my main health application — Samsung health.

First part is a simple one — steps. In 2022 I walked less steps than in 2021 and, obviously, covered smaller distance. I reached my goal not that often either.

Steps statistic for 2020–2022

This is sad. I will try to fix this in 2023 (added to the TODO list).

Then, jump into exercise data:

“All exercises” statistic for 2022

For all type of exercises together the only reasonable common metric is time. SHealth shows calories and distance (?) as well. Calories is unreliable metric anyways, especially for weight lifting exercises, especially if they are imported from gymrun (how to use gymrun for weightlifting read in “Galaxy Watch 4 for Weight Training”), so I simply ignore it.

423 hours of exercises sounds nice —it proves that I, indeed, did exercise in 2022.

In a small window I found how different types of exercises contribute to the total time. No surprises for me here: walking, weight lifting, hiking.

3 main contributors

Hiking is my favorite activity, so how was 2022 in terms of hiking? Here it is:

2022 in hiking

108 km, highers elevation gain 1127 m — yeah, that vacation in Alps was great!

The next section that I like a lot is “global totals”:

The totals
  • Walked: 4627 km
  • Hiked: 446 km and total elevation gain during all hikes is 2957m, not bad, considering the fact that I rarely tracked hikes which I do locally in the known environment. Another TODO for myself — fix this.
    note: do not know why, but there is no elevation stat for 2019–2021 — a bug?
  • Swam: 13 km — well, I’m not an active swimmer, only swam in spring and in summer (my impression of using my watch for swimming — “Samsung Health: swimming statistic, calendar and your progress data”).

What a pity, that it only includes data starting in the middle of 2019 — the time I purchased my gear sport watch!

Have you ever thought about how many kilometers (or miles) you swam or hiked during the recent year or your whole life?

I hope that your fitness results for 2022 mat or even exceed your expectations and that you have already set challenging goals for 2023.