Scaling CI/CD Pipelines with Azure DevOps: Embracing YAML-based Pipelines for Customization and Future Scalability

Laxman Giri
5 min readJul 7, 2023


In the realm of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), efficient and scalable pipelines are vital for successful software development and delivery.

Azure DevOps provides a robust platform for managing CI/CD processes, offering two primary approaches: UI-focused build and release pipelines and code-based pipelines using YAML.

1. UI-focused build and release pipelines:

· UI-focused build and release pipelines in Azure DevOps offer a visual interface for quick setup and management of simple deployment scenarios. They are ideal for smaller projects or straightforward deployments. These pipelines provide ease of use and require minimal coding or scripting. However, they may lack the customization options and scalability needed for larger or more complex projects. UI-focused pipelines are a good starting point for teams looking for a simple and intuitive CI/CD solution without the need for extensive customization or advanced scripting capabilities.

Build and Release Pipeline on Azure DevOps

In this blog post, we will delve into the advantages of YAML-based pipelines, emphasizing their suitability for customization and scalability, particularly in larger projects.

1. The Rise of Code-based Pipelines:

· Traditionally, many development teams relied on UI-focused build and release pipelines in Azure DevOps. These pipelines boasted a visual interface, allowing for quick setup and management of simple deployment scenarios. However, as projects increase in complexity, the appeal of code-based pipelines has surged due to their capacity for enhanced control, customization, and scalability.

2. The Power of YAML Pipelines:

YAML-based pipelines in Azure DevOps empower developers to define their CI/CD processes as code. This approach brings forth several benefits:

· Version Control: YAML pipelines reside within your source code repository, facilitating versioning, history tracking, and effortless rollbacks. Consequently, your pipeline configurations are treated as code artifacts, subject to the same best practices and collaboration as your application code.

· Customization: YAML pipelines deliver extensive flexibility and customization options. Developers can leverage scripting capabilities, conditionals, loops, and reusable templates to craft highly tailored deployment workflows. This level of customization empowers you to align the pipeline with your specific project requirements and automate complex tasks effectively.

· Collaboration and Reusability: YAML pipelines can be shared across projects and teams, promoting collaboration and standardization. By creating reusable pipeline templates that encapsulate common deployment patterns, redundant efforts are minimized, and consistent practices are ensured throughout your organization.

· Integration with Infrastructure as Code (IaC): YAML pipelines seamlessly integrate your deployment processes with infrastructure provisioning tools such as Azure Resource Manager templates or Terraform. This streamlined and unified approach enables effective management of both application and infrastructure deployments, bolstering your DevOps practices.

3. Future Scalability and Maintainability:

As projects evolve and grow, scalability and maintainability become pivotal considerations. YAML-based pipelines provide a solid foundation for future scalability:

a. Ease of Scaling: YAML pipelines gracefully handle increasingly intricate deployments without sacrificing maintainability. By organizing your pipeline code into reusable templates and employing modular structures, you can efficiently scale your deployment processes to adapt to changing project requirements.

b. Continuous Improvement: Code-based pipelines facilitate continuous iteration and improvement of your CI/CD processes. Through version control, code reviews, and automated testing, you can introduce changes to the pipeline with confidence, ensuring reliable and error-free deployments.

c. Portability: YAML pipelines are portable across different Azure DevOps projects and organizations. This capability allows for standardized CI/CD practices and easy replication of pipeline configurations across diverse environments, reducing the time and effort required for project setup.

folder structure
# azure-pipelines.yml

- main

- stage: Build
displayName: 'Build Stage'
- job: Build
displayName: Build
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- template: templates/build.yaml

- stage: Deploy
displayName: 'Deployment Stage'
- template: templates/deploy.yaml
deployEnvironment: 'Dev'

# Add additional stages as needed
# ...
# templates/build.yaml

- name: buildConfiguration
type: string
default: 'Build'

- job: BuildJob
displayName: 'Build Job'
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- script: |
# Build and package source code
# Use the specified build configuration
# ...

# Add additional steps as needed
# ...
# templates/deploy.yaml

- name: deployEnvironment
type: string
default: 'Dev'

- job: DeployJob
displayName: 'Deploy Job'
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- script: |
# Deploy to the specified environment
# Use the specified deploy configuration
# ...

# Add additional steps as needed
# ...

In the build.yaml template, there is a buildConfiguration parameter that specifies the build configuration, which defaults to ‘Build’. The job named BuildJob runs the necessary steps to build and package the source code.

Similarly, in the deploy.yaml template, there is a deployEnvironment parameter that specifies the deployment environment, which defaults to ‘Dev’. The job named DeployJob performs the necessary steps to deploy the application to the specified environment.

You can customize these templates by adding or modifying the steps according to your specific build and deployment requirements.

azure-pipelines.yml: The azure-pipelines.yml file serves as the main Azure Pipelines configuration file. It defines the stages and jobs for your CI/CD pipeline. This file references the build.yaml and deploy.yaml templates, which contain the specific build and deployment steps. By utilizing the azure-pipelines.yml file, you can orchestrate the entire CI/CD workflow, from building the code to deploying it to the desired environment. This configuration file provides a centralized and declarative approach to define and manage your pipeline, making it easier to maintain and scale your CI/CD processes.

As organizations strive for enhanced customization, scalability, and maintainability in their CI/CD pipelines, YAML-based pipelines in Azure DevOps emerge as the preferred choice. By treating pipelines as code artifacts, developers gain control, collaboration opportunities, and the ability to align deployment workflows with specific project requirements. With the power of scripting, reusability, and integration with infrastructure provisioning tools, YAML pipelines provide a scalable foundation for the future. Embracing code-based pipelines positions your organization for success in the ever-evolving landscape of software development and deployment.



Laxman Giri

With 6+ years' IT experience, I excel in AWS, Azure, GitLab, CI/CD, Terraform, Kubernetes, and Helm. I deliver scalable solutions meeting project needs.