Reading does THIS to your Mind🧠

As per research conducted in recent times, we spend an average of 6 hours and 30 minutes of our day on screens

The FourthWallBreak
The Unscripted
5 min readAug 31, 2024


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

In the era where binge-watching and infinite scrolling dominate our daily routines, it might seem like reading is becoming a relic of the past.

Science says Otherwise !!!

Here is why reading instead of scrolling is an investment in your cognitive health and well-being.

1. Deep Processing: Workout for your Brain

When you read, your brain engages in what’s called “deep processing”. This means rather than passively absorbing information, as we often do when watching TV or scrolling through Social Media, your brain actively works to connect new information with existing knowledge.

Research shows that reading increases brain connectivity, particularly in the left temporal cortex, which is associated with language and comprehension.

Moreover, reading requires focus and sustained attention. Both of which strengthen the brain’s neural pathways. According to a study, reading promotes long-term brain health by enhancing cognitive reserve, a term used to describe the brain’s resilience against neurological damage.

2. Empathy & Emotional Intelligence

Cilian Murphy in an Interview once said, “You find so much empathy in novels.”

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Reading allows us to step into someone else’s shoes, feel what they feel, and think how they think. When you place yourself in a character’s shoes, you start to see the world in a perspective that is so much different than your own.

There have been studies that revealed that reading literary fiction enhances the brain’s ability to understand and interpret the thoughts and feelings of others, a skill known as Theory of Mind.

Unlike Movies or TV shows, which visually show every detail, reading requires the reader to imagine the scenes and characters. This active engagement fosters a deeper emotional connection and understanding.

3. Reduction in Stress & Anxiety

A study by the University of Sussex showed that reading can reduce stress by up to 68% making it more effective than other popular stress relief methods like listening to music, having a cup of tea, or taking a walk.

Reading lowers heart rate and eases muscle tension within just 6 minutes of quiet reading.

The act of focusing on the words on a page forces your mind to concentrate, distracting you from your worries.

This immersive experience allows your mind to rest and recover, reducing overall stress levels more effectively than watching TV or scrolling through Social Media, which gives you anxiety, jealousy, and so much more.

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4. Enhanced Memory & Analytical Thinking

Reading is a mental work that strengthens memory and analytical thinking skills. When watching TV shows, remembering plots, characters, and subplots becomes very difficult.

But when you are reading, all your other visual senses are focused on one thing rather than focusing on what’s happening on the screen every single second. This makes the remembering and connecting part a bit easier. Which in turn keeps your memory sharp.

Research shows that individuals who engage in mentally stimulating activities, such as reading, have a slower rate of cognitive decline compared to those who do not.

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5. Creativity & Imagination

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Reading stimulates creativity like no other medium. When you read, especially fiction, your brain is forced to visualize entire worlds, characters, and scenarios based solely on the author’s description. In doing so, your brain forms new neural pathways, and when doing some other creative and imaginative work, these pathways become useful.

Whereas in watching Movies or Shows, you don’t have to do a thing as all the heavy lifting is done by VFX and CGI artists.

Therefore reading fosters divergent thinking- the ability to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. This skill is invaluable in problem-solving and innovation.

6. Improved Focus & Concentration

In a world of constant notifications and distractions, our attention spans are shrinking at an alarming rate. New forms of content creation are focusing on providing the user with continuous stimulation hits, which is harmful in the long haul. But reading can help minimize this damage.

As per the Research published in the Journal of Digital Information, regular readers have longer attention spans and better focus compared to those who primarily consume media through screens.

This is because reading requires you to immerse yourself in a text for extended periods. Training your brain to focus on a single task without getting distracted.

7. Vocabulary Expansion & Better Communication Skills

Reading regularly exposes you to new words and phrases, significantly increasing your vocabulary. A study by The University of California, Berkeley found that children who read books regularly had a 50% larger vocabulary by the age of 12 than their peers who did not read as much.

Adults who also read continue to expand their vocabulary, which in turn improves communication skills. Whether it’s writing a report, giving a presentation, or simply engaging in a conversation, a rich vocabulary allows you to express yourself more clearly and effectively.

8. Health Benefits (Bonus Reason)

A study published in Social Science & Medicine involving over 3600 participants found that those who read books for at least 30 minutes a day had a 20% reduction in mortality compared to non-readers. The study suggested that the cognitive benefits of reading may contribute to a longer, healthier life.


In a world that offers endless quick fixes and distractions, reading offers a deep, meaningful, and lasting impact on your life.

So the next time you’re tempted to binge-watch or endlessly scroll, reach for a book instead. Commit to reading for just 10 minutes a day and see how it changes your life.

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