How to scout for your Ideal Job?

8 min readAug 17, 2022

JOB — the one word that starts to make frequent visits in your head when you decide on taking that plunge. For many of us, a job brings in the core thoughts of financial stability, better means of sustenance, and living. But to restrict it to that will not justify you as an individual. We often come across terms like job satisfaction and better work opportunities. But how many of us get to that? To the ideal job?

Ever wondered if all this might stem from the lack of self-awareness and clarity? After all, an ideal job is everyone’s share. Whether a fresh graduate or a mid-career stuck employee, scouting for that role is extremely important. Why? To answer that and help you further, we decided to bring in the “how” in an abridged manner.

How to define an ideal job?

The necessity to find one

Ways to scout for your ideal job:


Strong Interest Inventory

Questions you need to ask

  • What’s your mission?
  • What’s your ideal work environment?
  • What’s an ideal salary for you?
  • What are your top 3 career paths?
  • How do you determine your value?

How to seal your deal “your way”

How to define an ideal job?

The first and foremost question we are going to address is the definition! In a generic sense, an ideal job would be where you feel satisfied. Something that pulls you out for the day. And helps you feel agile, motivated, and fulfilled. A place where you want to go and have that urge to do. For some, it would be ease of commutation; for some, it would mean valued outputs from the team, and for some, it might mean a fruitful environment. However, the “feel” remains constant — something you need to value and inculcate.

Since we talked of the “feel” and stressed over “value,” let’s address the “why” then.

The necessity to find one

An ideal job is not a superficial term and has an impact much more severe than you think.

Considerably reduces stress and unwelcoming depression–

When you relish your job, these occurrences can minimize and keep a check on your mental health.

Holds more meaning to your life–

When your job role seems ideal, it gives you a purpose and a meaning of doing what you do.

Helps your interest–

A job where you find your interest being worked on genuinely picks up your pace, and you make it your priority.

Secures your values–

What you believe in healthy sustenance of yourself via your work is crucial. And a job that supports the values dear to you improves your work.

These would be a few factors on why you should scout for an ideal job because it is not about the want but also your need.

Ways to scout for your ideal job

Identify your interests

It doesn’t matter if you are starting or planning a switch. Listing out your interests is essential for proceeding further in this process. Take a pen and paper and start jotting down what you have, what you like. Please review it to the present situation and how you want it to be different. Once you do this, a direction is laid before you for the next search.

Take interest-based personality tests

Often you are stuck with the dilemma of interests. That’s when a personality test helps you identify the core areas to pursue based on your tests. This is to say; it gives you a heads up on what you could look forward to.

Below mentioned are some helpful tests to look up to.

Myers-Briggs test

More than being a test, it is a personality type indicator. Where it helps you analyze the personality type you have, and aids in your decision-making. A total of 16 types were identified, which the mother-daughter(Myers and Briggs) duo developed for better personality type understanding as an indicative test.

Over the years, the theories and applications might have changed. But its core has helped multiple people all over to identify with their workspace personality.

The strong interest inventory

Devised by E.K. Strong, his “Strong interest vocational blank” went on to be named “Strong interest inventory” over the years. It has been instrumental in helping people identify their likes and dislikes with its 291 listed items. Therefore, adding to the aid of career guidance.

Additionally, you can turn to the book “What color is your parachute” by Richard Nelson Bolles.

Look out for your desired job role

Once you set out with your identified interests, seek a role that fits in your mental bracket. As that will help you pinpoint the right opportunity. Chalk out all that fits your category, say salary, the right profile, the correct requisites. Thus, helping you settle with a choice.

So if you are interested in management and channeling people, then human resources could have something for you!

Learn about your dream firm

Once you have identified your interests and roles, it’s time to look out for firms that sit with you. As in, check for industry reviews, how is their reception amongst other employees and clients. What is being said about their work and how they can help achieve your goals.

Use internships proactively

Once you join hands with a firm to learn about your interest-based role, use the opportunity to not just learn but get aligned with the teammates. Their experiences and suggestions can help you ace well.

Leverage your social media

Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram are not mere apps. But they hold immense potential. They help you connect with people of similar domains and get their assistance/ guidance in your onward decisions. Often when you connect with them, you get further leads to progress. Thus, helping you land your ideal job.

Review your current job (if you have)

When you review your present situation, what you need and what you want will become apparent to you. Cross-marking the not-so-favorable ideas about your current position. While tick-marking, the absolute pointers, will help you identify the next set of lookouts. Therefore, reviewing becomes a must.

Take the appropriate counseling

Proper counseling or guidance is a definite requisite in the ideal job decision-making process. Connecting with experts of relative fields or counselors can help your dilemma. But something more that can add to this is identifying your top 10 people to seek an idea.

The group doesn’t necessarily have to be all experts. But people who know you well and vice versa. These can be your best friends, some close relatives, or people you interned/ worked with. As they know you, your capabilities, and your weak pointers. Therefore, their analysis and suggestions can aid you in the process.

And finally, when you narrow down your considerations, focus on

Questions you need to ask

What’s your mission?

These questions are important for you. The purpose here is to identify your motive. So asking yourself what your mission is with this job, you can have a purpose lined up.

What’s your ideal work environment?

This is crucial to be identified. If you are in an environment you want to switch from, think of all the reasons you want to and sum up the things you absolutely want. Because an ideal job should be a space for you to have that all.

What’s an ideal salary for you?

The work you do at the end of the day needs to pay you. And in ways that suit you. Your needs, your basics, and all the other necessary expenditures. Figuring that out is essential because you need to quote an apt CTC to your next hiring manager.

What are your top 3 career paths?

Focusing on a goal is much appreciated. But what if you have to find a middle ground with something? That’s when jotting down three possible trajectories on the same line of thought can be really helpful. Say for example, you wish to enter the advertising industry, and you are interested in the creative direction, so exploring client management, to creative creation along with direction can become your top 3.

How do you determine your value?

Now, this becomes an ultimate question for your enhanced output. The value that you serve is significant for your growth and continued progression. Identify what will be defining your valued input in an organization, as that can bring you focus.

How to seal your deal “your way”

So far, we have focused on how to look for your ideal job. But before we part, we decided to bring you some heads up for the deal!

Communicating your terms is essential, but you shouldn’t be too stringent with the terms. Negotiation is the deal-breaker. So focus on that. Here we have some suggestive ways to consider before you lock your terms of that ideal job.

Get clarity within

Before you get into a conversation, make sure to be clear with what you will ask and why. Once you are clear, two things will happen:

  • You will be confident.
  • The recruiter, on the other side, will have clarity about you.

Create your headspace

Rehearse your interaction. Take a run-through in your head and be present mentally. This will help you loosen up a bit and destress yourself in the process.

Bring your terms soon

Do not hold up till the subsequent rounds for terms you want to be clear with. Since the pandemic, 10.6 million open positions have been listed since November 2021. So much that the period got termed as “The great resignation.”

So to save yourself from any hassle, bring your terms soon. But remember, it’s a negotiation.

Explain to them your benefits

Prove that you will be an asset to the organization. If you have laid out some terms, tell them that working that way will bring up maximum results. In short, give out your benefits to them.

Don’t go overboard explaining

The major lookout! Explaining your benefits is quite good. But delving too much into it will not help you. Tell them that “this & this” is essential for you. You don’t need to tell them “the how,” or “the why.” All they need is how your requirements are going to sit with them.


With this, we have come to the end of our blog regarding the help of finding an ideal job. If you wish to connect with us for any opportunity or partnership, connect right here.

