The Road to ISMRM Singapore 2016: The program is out!

Mark Griswold
2 min readApr 22, 2016

After many, many hours of work, I am very happy to announce that the proceedings for the 2016 ISMRM Annual Meeting are out! You’ll have to be a registered attendee to access the abstracts, but if you’re actually spending the time to read this, you are likely already registered! Right now, the easiest place to find the full program is on the ISMRM home page. In the coming days you will also be able to access the ISMRM 2016 mobile app from your respective app store. Our switch to HTML-based abstracts has allowed us to make a much more powerful mobile app. I hope that you will all take advantage of this while you’re in Singapore.

This is a huge day for me after the years of work leading up to this meeting. I really have to thank the full Annual Meeting Program Committee (AMPC) who took on the job of organizing this meeting with a completely new and untested HTML-based system. I also have to give huge thanks to our chair of the educational program, Scott Reeder. This year’s educational program is going to be absolutely top notch. Next year’s educational chair, Karla Miller, has also been a huge help. I also have to thank Jim Pipe for giving me this fantastic opportunity. Last, but far from least, I have to thank Sally Moran and Roberta Kravitz in the ISMRM central office. I know that these huge changes in abstract and review format this year have alternatively given them both heart attacks… but both have been absolutely helpful and incredibly dedicated to the success of our meeting. I can’t thank them enough! I ask every one of you to find them in Singapore and give them your thanks as well.

Please pay attention to the ISMRM home page for any last minute news. If you haven’t already, please join the ISMRM 2016 Slack team for additional opportunities to connect to other attendees. Finally, if I don’t talk to you before you go, please be safe in your travels and I really can’t wait to see you all in Singapore! Thanks for all of your work for the ISMRM!

— Mark


