Mrinal Upadhyay
2 min readSep 8, 2023

Cautionary Advice: Common Traps When Utilizing LLM Tools

In the race to leverage generative AI for competitive advantage, organizations often overlook critical risks associated with the deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Meta’s Llama 2.

This article delves into such six major risk areas related to LLM-driven applications, emphasizing the importance of careful vetting before deploying them for real end-users.

When employing Language Model Models (LLMs), it’s crucial to remain vigilant about the potential pitfalls as mentioned below :

1. Data Confidentiality: Be cautious not to share sensitive company data, as once divulged to LLMs, it may lose its confidentiality. Some companies have gone as far as banning their use to safeguard against data breaches that could result in disciplinary actions.

2. Hallucinatory Responses: LLMs often generate fabricated or incorrect information, a phenomenon known as “hallucination.” It’s noteworthy that these responses can be just as confidently articulated as accurate ones.

3. Suboptimal Solutions: While LLMs can provide answers, they may not consistently furnish the most effective or efficient solutions to your inquiries.

4. Limited Domain Expertise: LLMs possess broad knowledge but might lack the specialized expertise required for certain niche areas, potentially leading to imprecise results in specific domains.

5. Absence of Common Sense: Presently, LLMs cannot emulate human judgment or common sense. Trained on internet data, they struggle to differentiate between reliable and unreliable information.

6. Exercise Judgement: Applying sound judgment when interacting with LLMs is vital. Always scrutinize and critically assess the responses they offer.

By heeding these considerations and staying mindful of LLMs’ current limitations, you can effectively harness their capabilities to expedite tasks and automate routine processes within the realm of analytics.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that the field of LLMs is evolving rapidly, and many of these challenges may find solutions in the near future. While remaining cautious, it’s essential to view AI tools as an ever-advancing frontier, with continual improvements promising enhanced capabilities and reliability.

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