SpaceX: Starlink Project

Deployment of a Constellation of Satellites

Mrithika Omprakash
4 min readMay 16, 2020

Hello Guys!

In this week’s blogpost, I am going to discuss about something different (not on Covid-19), the Starlink project that might revolutionise data transmission.

What is this project about?

This project was launched by the Space Exploration Technology Corporation or simply — SpaceX, headed by the popular tech-entrepreneur Elon Musk. The motive is to provide the world with advanced broad band internet system, basically high speed internet, especially in places where it is expensive or inefficient or inaccessible.

SpaceX has utilized it’s very own reusable-rocket, Falcon 9, to launch a ‘constellation’ of satellites over. the next 7 years. It has already deployed 422 satellites, and has planned to launch. 4,400 satellites in phase-1 and. 7500 satellites in phase-2. Thus by 2027 we will be having around 12,000 satellites being launched in three different orbital shells.

Highlights of the Project:

Star Tracker:

The Starlink satellites have an in-built navigation system that enables SpaceX to change the position of the satellites such that it can be re-positioned if it is obstructing any other space expedition, and also for the purpose for efficient data transmission.

Medium of Data Transmission:

Nowadays we are using geostationary satellites and fiber optics to transmit data in the form of light signals, hence using glass fibers as the medium.

However, the Starlink Satellites make use of laser (light) to transmit data, and since this happens in space, the medium is — vacuum, due to which the light signals travel faster and hence the efficiency of the data is 4x faster than the usual method of transmission.

Latency and Data Traffic:

Distance comparison of the satellites from Starlink

Currently, we are utilizing geostationary satellites for communication and broad band services.

These types of satellites are approximately 35,000 kilometres (22,000 miles) away from the surface of the earth. Due to this (large) distance, since the amount of data to be processed is exponentially increasing, there will inevitably be data traffics and latency (the delay before a transfer of data).

The satellites that SpaceX has launched are low Earth orbiting satellites that are approximately 800 (550 miles) to 500 (340 miles) kilometres, which is a smaller distance when compared to the geostationary satellites. Therefore the distance and the huge number of satellites launched significantly decreases both the latency and data traffic.

Concerns and Solutions:

Signal Pollution:

Starlink Satellite constellation: from Forbes

When 422 satellites were being launched by Starlink, it was clearly visible from the earth. The light pollution created by these satellites is a matter of concern for Astronomers since it might affect the astronomical observations.

SpaceX has addressed this issue by painting their newer satellites black, changing the orbital orientation to minimize reflection of sunlight, and also adding sunshades to decrease the light pollution.

Space Junk and Collision Avoidance:

Visual representation of 12,000 satellites deployed: from geekwire

Due to the huge number of satellites being launched, many experts have been raising concerns on the space junk and the resulting collisions that might occur when satellite’s life has expired.

SpaceX has ensured that the satellites will utilize their on-board propulsion system to de-orbit over the course of a few months. However if propulsion system does not work then the satellites will burn up in Earth’s atmosphere within 5 years.

Regarding the collision avoidance, SpaceX utilizes a debris tracking system to maneuver the debris and hence avoid any collision that might occur due to the space junk.

Current Status:

There has been a few setbacks with regards to the deployment of the satellites according to their initial plans due to the Covid-19 situation. However, the company has been deemed as an essential business and is still working on the Starlink Project in California and Texas. Regardless of the setbacks and criticism faced, SpaceX seems to actively address the all issues related to this project.

Today, with the Covid-19 situation, we have all become even more dependent on the internet in a way that we would be handicapped without them. This elucidates the fact that such projects are of utmost importance to our generation. Moreover, people that do not have access to normal mobile data and wifi that we have right now, may have a life changing moment due to the advent of this project.

Let’s hope this project is a success.

For more information on the project: Starlink

If you haven’t checked out my previous post on a test that detects Covid-19 in 10 mins:

Rapid Testing Kits



Mrithika Omprakash

A chemical engineer, with an interest in biology and technology