Falling in love with the franchisor

Jeff App
5 min readNov 8, 2018


Even though the title of this article may sound quite weird, there are evident similarities between the process of falling in love that takes place in a normal relationship, and the one that occurs between a franchise and its correspondent franchisor. Mr Jeff, is no exception to this rule.

Despite the existence of remarkable differences between the model of franchises we promote in Latin America and the one we implement in Spain, the need to set clear goals that encourage our success and to define a consequent strategy are common in both models. In order to make our point more clear, let’s look at the phases that determine the evolution of a relationship.

The first contact

Do you remember the first time you saw or interacted with someone you ended up having a romantic relationship with? Perhaps, it was through an app, or maybe a friend introduced you, or maybe it happened at a party. The first parallelism is reflected here: a franchisee can get to know about us through an app, a website, a comment from another franchisee, through a friend that uses our service, or even at a convention.

Regardless of the introduction method, the first encounter gives way to the first impression, which is the pivotal step in the gestation of the bond. If this initial contact stimulates the synthesis of the adequate hormones, it will undoubtedly lead to the next crucial phase of the relationship: the first date.

The first date

How important is the first date, right? Countless stories can emerge from this multifaceted meeting. We all know it must go well and that we cannot make mistakes if we are looking for a long and pleasant future relationship. It is always said that the first date is the perfect chance to show the best version of ourselves; and who are the teachers who exhibit the best side of Mr Jeff? Our beloved members of the sales department.

In this first date, our cupids of sales, will accurately try to win over the potential franchisee. This is never an easy task as in this instance, we are the main stakeholders. The first move requires a very sensitive topic where we try to make sure that interest stays mutual and shared, even after the first date. We seek to make a lasting impression on the franchisee so they keep thinking of us on the way back home; that he will feel intrigued and attracted by us, and fundamentally, that he will ask to himself, why not give Mr. Jeff a try?

If everything goes well, there will be more encounters; the third, fourth, fifth date. Mr Jeff will have made the perfect impression, and inescapably, the franchisee will begin to believe that the relationship is reliable and that there is a promissory future.

The infatuation has begun at this point, but all loving relationships have an essential component required to take it to the next level. Sex.


We are all different. That is the reason why, the first sexual act can happen during the first date or later in the relationship. Regardless of when it occurs, there is no doubt, this intimacy will be a new crucial factor in the relationship.

Sex in the relationship of franchisee-franchisor is a very popular and well-known, never enough and always necessary component: ​​money. After we exchange money, the relationship becomes stronger, more serious and above all, more intimate. From this point on the only way to move forward is strengthening and curating a long-lasting relationship.

The relationship

This stage, which usually acquires different nuances and often reaches incalculable years, is the phase where we place the bricks that build the franchisee-franchisor bond. It is at this moment, where we expose our shortcomings and virtues, we celebrate successes and hold hands in difficult times. Mr Jeff has several departments that utilize complex tools to feed the flame that we started on the first date.

The Partners Success department plays a sensitive role here. By joining forces with other departments, it strengthens the courtship, advises, intercedes and provides daily support to the relationship. Because we all have good and bad days, periods of extreme happiness and peaks of uneasiness, each department will provide, together with Partners Success, an incalculable value to the relationship. Therefore, all the components, individuals and colleagues of Mr Jeff, must add to the solid ground that will forge the course towards the summit stage: marriage.


We can assure that in this phase, the table is set. A successful marriage, will certainty perpetuate everything that was done well during the courtship. It is in this instance, as never before, that all departments must operate in unison, so that this relationship never ends and remains firm with the passage of time.

The Finance department must carefully manage and monitor the finances (a successful marriage needs good administration). Marketing will creatively provide the bricks to keep the foundations strong. Customer service will give the answers to the constant doubts that arise in a relationship of this tenor. Informatics, well, do we need to say it? It is impossible to mention all the components that behave as pillars to this marriage and play a pivotal part, but it is certain that every department in Mr. Jeff must do their part or the marriage will end in divorce.

The same way there are no synapses without neurons, there is no remedy without disease, there is no Romeo without Juliet and no Messi without Ronaldo, there is no Mr Jeff without happy franchises. We will only celebrate marriage and feel the freedom Mr Jeff encourages, if all phases have been consolidated and have evolved favorably.

Agustín García

Vicente Pérez Tena



Jeff App

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