It’s day 832 since I started content writing (here’s what’s happened since)

Chai latte sippin'
2 min readJun 24, 2024

It’s been 832 days since I began writing. Since I decided to pursue this venture.

WTF am I doing here? I’m not from a marketing background. I didn’t take any writing courses. I didn’t even bother to ask any writers for advice. I was already expecting to be written off, as this has been the case my entire life. I’ve had to make my own luck numerous times. So I thought- why not?

Back to this journey: I’ve learned so much, and the journey’s been difficult. I was drawn in by these LinkedIn experts who are doing well for themselves.

It appeared to be a low-cost, low-effort opportunity where I’d have complete control over almost all the means of production and potential revenue streams. Justin Welsh intrigued me. He made the entire ordeal sound sexy. Plus, I have a lot of sales experience, so though, why not?

Boy- was I in for a ride. An uncomfortable one.

Since Justin, I’ve come across Ayodeji Awosika, a medium expert. I figured, since I’d been writing material on Twitter for a year, why not try Medium? Why not learn long-form writing? And here I still am.

I’ve not made $1000s, I’m nowhere near making 6 figures. But here’s how it’s improved my life:

  • Professional life

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Chai latte sippin'

Interests: Health, Asia, Mandarin learning & Cyber Security