Names, Letters, and Laters

M.R. Maximo
1 min readAug 10, 2016


My name is C.A. Villeta.
In short for Coleen Alice Villeta.
I have been writing for around three years now.

I think it is time.
My name is not really C.A. Villeta.
Most people call me really by the name of Me-Ann.
You can say it.
Just make the sound that farm goats make before the word 'Ann'.
Practiced that line with every single airplane passenger that I introduce to that could not say it right.
It is much funnier delivered in person, promise.

So, this is me putting C.A. Villeta to rest.
I am not killing her.
Nope, I owe her too much.
Would not survive the past three years without her.
Say, call it 'leave until further notice'.

You will still see her name.
It will still be the name of my Twitter account.
Cannot change the username so what is the point and I am too lazy to make a new one.

My Medium account will be using my real name from now on.

Why this change?
I am tired of hiding.
Could not do what I want for the past years because of what people may think while my alter ego preaches about being yourself.
I am done being hypocritical.
I am done hiding.
Haters gonna hate.
Well, screw you lot.

This is me.
I am done.
Good night.
And good morning.

Me-Ann Maximo



M.R. Maximo

Flight Attendant. Freelance Author. Content Creator. 🌏 📧