8 Ways To Promote Positivity In Your Workplace

Munif Ali
9 min readAug 8, 2022


Can we all agree that jobs are stressful sometimes, no matter how much we love them?

When the alarm rings and signals that it’s time to work, many of us would tend to groan or roll our eyes. And I completely understand that. It’s not easy to feel constantly inspired at work. But what’s worse is when you get more and more exhausted at work to the point that you feel empty. Many adults have gotten stressed out due to daily workloads, monotonous tasks, and long hours of overtime. In fact, the Conference Board reported that over 50% of Americans felt unhappy at work.

If more than half of the entire country isn’t happy working, can it still be fixed? As humans, our moods are infectious. If one person feels sad, there’s a likely chance the next person they meet might feel sad too. The good thing is that this also works on the more positive side. Those who feel motivated and cheerful while working have a powerful influence on their colleagues and in the workspace in general. The better you feel, the better the benefits you gain for your body and mind. For example, those who are happy or those who feel positive at work have better sleep schedules, longer lifespans, and more tolerance to stress and pressure.

In short, a positive mindset and attitude could really help your peers feel happy as they work too. If you want to promote positivity in your workspace, here are eight easy and effective ways to help you boost your mood.

1. Start Your Day Properly

To get a positive mindset at work, you first need to start your day properly. Many people feel tired upon waking up because they’re too anxious about what’s ahead. Many people would immediately jump to their phones and scroll through social media before they even leave the bed. Others end up overthinking upcoming tasks, such as deadlines and meetings.

If you begin the day in such a bad mood, you will lose energy. Imagine how hard it is to get up when you don’t even want to leave the bed. That’s why one crucial tip upon waking up is to avoid stressing yourself so early in the morning. Avoid doing whatever makes you think of work at the outset. Mute your notifications for emails or social media before you sleep. When you wake up, it’s not recommended that you check your phone right away.

Instead, consider taking some form of exercise or meditation. Up to 500 million Americans meditate throughout the day, many of whom do it at the start of the morning. You can take professional classes in your local area, or you can download a quiet, five-minute guided meditation to help you. Either way, by clearing your mind and letting go of all the stress after waking up, you’ll be a clean slate with a pep in your step as you head to work.

2. Speak Positively At Work

How you speak and the way you talk to people can make the difference between a good time and a bad time. There are several people who remember the one guy or girl at work that always criticizes or complains. The more you speak negatively about your job, the more upset and disheartened others get. Sometimes, we even make poor word choices when talking to our colleagues. Imagine if someone said, “You didn’t do it right”. Even if you had constructive criticisms to help them, statements like that could cause people to lose confidence and ruin their spirits.

To inject more positivity at work, modify your language to be uplifting and friendly. Delivering criticism or addressing problems doesn’t mean you can’t say it in a calm and professional manner. For example, if your colleague is late for a meeting, don’t immediately complain about their tardiness. Ask them why they were late first. They might have had an emergency, and the last thing they need is a hostile reception when they arrive at work. If their reason isn’t fair, remind them of how important it is to be on time and encourage them to do better. This is a healthier and more effective way of handling problems instead of lashing out in public.

3. Focus On A Single Goal

The reason why people often feel stressed or overwhelmed is that they try to juggle several things at once. Multi-tasking is a common habit amongst many workers. We often try to do different tasks, from paperwork to data logins, on the same day. Some even go as far as to do their tasks at the same time, like driving to the office while listening in on a virtual meeting. Unfortunately, all that work can drain your brain and leave you exhausted before the shift ends.

Rather than multitasking everything, try focusing your efforts on a single daily goal. You can set a list of tasks you have for the day and focus on fulfilling them one at a time. By keeping your mind centered on one thing, you get to give more attention and energy to getting it done. This allows you to finish your assignments quicker without getting distracted or confused.

For instance, a writer cannot fill out an entire essay by drafting and editing their work simultaneously. The most efficient way to write an essay is by building an outline first. An author who plans their introduction and content will have an easier time than someone who just writes several words without direction. The writer then reviews his essay after he writes down everything he wants to fill out. Compared to someone who double-checks each sentence as they go, this kind of writer works faster and gets more results.

4. Celebrate Small Successes

Several people around the world like to measure their success based on big milestones. They like to flaunt their diplomas, certificates, trophies, sports cars and other fancy rewards. The problem is that the road to success is a long journey. Many of us only focus on the big picture, the end result, that we forget to celebrate small successes.

It’s important to remember that not every milestone has to be a grand moment. Sometimes, the little victories are equally inspiring. Whenever you start working and you go through your daily tasks, reward yourself when you accomplish something. For example, if you feel tired but you push through and write one more paragraph for your report, pat yourself on the back for powering through.

The way you celebrate is also a good way to inject more positivity at work. For example, having a 10-minute break after every hour of work is an excellent way to reward yourself. It both gives you a sense of accomplishment for working that long and it energizes you for the next hour of work to come.

5. Organize Your Workspace

Having a mess at work is never fun. Clutter of all kinds, from paperwork to junk food, is visually chaotic. Seeing a messy desk can confuse your brain as you try to find out which item goes where. When your desk is unorganized, it’s harder to find things when you need it most. The last thing you want is to file through all the mess just to find one document or report.

Set aside some time to organize your office space whenever possible. Examine what you need to keep and what can be discarded or stored elsewhere. If possible, buy a simple desk organizer to safeguard all your pens and notepads. We also recommend having a whiteboard by your cubicle or workspace. Here, you can write down your daily assignments for the day or inspirational quotes to keep you energized.

6. Support Your Colleagues

Remember that step about speaking positively? Extend this courtesy to your colleagues, too. When they manage to finish their reports or outputs, take the time to congratulate them and praise their efforts. If they ask you to review their work, point out what they are doing right and how they can improve. This way, they’ll feel much better and know what works for the next project.

In addition, take time to learn more about the people working around you. Workplaces don’t need to be uptight areas where everyone is off doing their own tasks. It can also be a great place to form friendships and bond with new people in your life. For all you know, your next best friend or trusted ally is sitting across the desk from you.

7. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Sometimes, people take the job they have for granted. They may dream of greener pastures in other fields of work or other places around the world. However, it’s not fair to the life you live right now. There are many other people who wish they could be in your shoes, having the same type of job and pay. .

Pause for a moment whenever you get the chance. Think about the three most essential things in your life. It can be anything, from your family to your house. Use this time to thank them for being part of your world. By exercising your right to be grateful, you realize just how good your life is. In turn, you learn to appreciate what you have and where you are at that moment. Don’t waste time wishing for better things. Sometimes, they’re already there for you when you need them.

8. Smile More Often

Smiling more is the easiest way to inject positive feelings and energy into your world. The simple act of smiling has been scientifically proven to release happy hormones and stress-relieving chemicals in your mind. Furthermore, it takes fewer muscles to smile than it does to frown. In other words, the physical act of smiling is easier to do and causes you to feel better.

Smiling also works as a social gesture. When you smile at your coworkers, your positive energy may give them some relief and energy. Would you rather stay in a room where no one looks happy or in a room where everyone seems to be enjoying themselves? Sharing a smile with the people around you sets off a chain reaction of positive chemicals and feelings. Soon, you’ll find your workspace full of happy and grateful souls.

In Summary

Positivity at work is not as common as it should be. Many people feel tired or stressed, which makes their work sloppy and their lives miserable. By following these steps, you can help yourself and your coworkers gain a happier mindset while working. Whether you smile more often or take time to be grateful for your life, these eight steps can inject more positivity at work and brighten your day.

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Munif Ali

Hi, my name is Munif Ali, a self-made multimillionaire. I use my life experiences to teach you how to become financially successful.