marina rojas
2 min readOct 4, 2023


Essay #1 Reflection- Marina Rojas

I chose this meme because I think it accurately represents my writing process. I had to go through my essay and read it multiple times and tweak things. I believe that sometimes when i’m writing I can get off topic so i’m glad i went back to revise multiple times because revision is an important step to a good essay. I also just like this meme and I think its pretty funny.

I was happy with the progress i made from my rough draft and my final draft. My rough draft was mostly my introduction paragraph at around 250 words and i turned in my final draft at 980. I am happy about how my essay came out, I think all of my points were very important to really showing the Chinese New Year. I wish i would have planned my essay more and found better sources as well.

Throughout this experience I have realized that I need to stop procrastinating and take the time top really think out my essay. I should have made an essay plan because after I had my thesis I kind of just wrote without having specific lines of evidence or quotes. I would also like to really read into my sources the next essay i wrote because i did struggle to find some things. Another thing is I should have gotten opinions from I also wish I had stronger examples to show how unique the Chinese New Year is. Overall there are definitely some things I could work on but, i’m also pretty happy with how my final essay turned out.

