For what reason am I not ready to rest despite being drained?

Maria Roser
2 min readNov 22, 2021


Inability to rest can be portrayed as the condition when it is inconvenient to fall or stay unconscious during the evening. You may awaken a few times during that time or rise early in the morning despite sleeping late. This condition isn’t just irritating but also a reason for worry since it can cause migraine, peevishness, daytime weakness, and trouble concentrating. For those who want to know the cause of this condition and how to sleep at night, we have created a list. Have a look!

Reasons for inability to sleep at night

Here is a list of reasons for what causes short-term insomnia and makes it difficult for you to sleep through the night-

In grown-ups- Restlessness in adults can be caused due to various reasons. It can be related to your poor lifestyle habits like the tendency to sleep late, having caffeine before bed, or improper rest climate. The causes can also be interconnected with your health condition like sleep apnea, diabetes, or psychological wellness issues. Reasons for lack of sleep can likewise be factors like ageing, the urge to pee repeatedly, and body pain.

How to sleep at night

To treat restlessness caused due to these reasons, you should make some life changes. These include not consuming coffee just before bedtime, creating a perfect setting for resting well, putting down your phones and other screens at least an hour before bedtime, and following a regular sleep schedule. However, in case your lack of rest is a consequence of an ailment, you should counsel a doctor and take proper medications and exercise.

In new born children-

Infants awaken a few times as the night progresses. Be that as it may, it is generally expected and not a reason to worry for guardians. As a thumb rule, as a kid grows and becomes half a year old, he gets acclimated with resting around evening. Grown-up babies rest well and sleep at night time, given they are provided with the right environment.

How to sleep at night

However, if a six-month-old baby shows indications of restlessness, the reason can be growing teeth, infection, or stomach-related issues. To be sure that your kid is doing well and not suffering from a serious ailment, you should take him for a regular check-up to your doctor in the event of sleeplessness.

Notably, not sleeping well is harmful to your personal health and well-being. It is so because if you keep tossing and turning in your sheets, the chances are that you will feel tired and lost the following day. In addition, you will find it hard to concentrate, which, in turn, will also affect your productivity. So, if sleep evades you through the night and makes it impossible for you to rest well, then go through the above-mentioned tips to sleep tight through the night.



Maria Roser

I'm Maria Roser , being alone at home and doing household work on my own, I got very much interested in Home Entertainment.chiller,standing ac ,HVAC etc..