We’re Going To Lose ALL Our Guns

Dusty Craig
7 min readFeb 27, 2018


And It Will Be The NRA and WLP’s Fault

Oh Dana Loesch. Really? Tell me, are Sean and Sarah your full siblings, or step siblings? Getting into a catfight with the media, claiming that the media ‘loves’ massacres of children and other humans? Seriously?

Let’s look at some of your organization’s post-massacre boasts. What was it that LaPierre boasted of after the Sandy Hook massacre? Oh yeah. Not that the NRA was going to finally cooperate, just as it used to, with the American people and their government on sane people control. Oh no. Perish that thought. Instead, the boast was that membership had surpassed 5 million members, that was the claim. 100,000 new member just in the week after the massacre, he crowed to an adoring audience of nitwits and dregs of society. 8,000 a day, he said. NRA spokespeople said the rate of new members after a massacre increased at a higher rate than usual. “By the time we’re finished, the NRA (Nutjobs Running America) must and will be 10 million strong.” 2013 membership meeting. Icing on the cake? Firearms and firearms related sales surged through the roof. Isn’t capitalism great?!

Such empathy for the dead, the wounded, and the survivors.

Is it any wonder, at that moment in time, that both parties expressed their disgust with your organization? Oh, and then that ‘little’ decline, you know, in 2016? $47 million bucks worth (God love the FOIA). Could it have been that people, sane people, had finally had enough? Or maybe it was the impending demise of one of your biggest donors, Remington Arms. Took 4 years for the decline to start, but then again, since you fudged the numbers to start with, maybe it didn’t take that long. You’ll never tell the truth, and even if you did, by now, no one but your slavishly faithful, stupid sheep will believe you.

Tax filings and circulation numbers for ‘American Rifleman’, however, paint a far murkier, and a lot less populated, figure. Now, I can’t imagine that I’d be a member (not since 1976, to be exact) and NOT get the rag. So, the circulation tabulation of approximately 2.2 million to 3 million sure is a long shot from 5 million, let alone 10 million. You know, you can only be so secretive these days. Plenty of public information out there to be had, once you know where (NOT Faux ‘News’) to find it. And, counting dead people? It’s like you never pay attention to places like Miami back in the day, letting dead people vote in local elections. They’re DEAD. Their guns have been pried from their cold, DEAD hands. They no longer COUNT.

Like, say, George H.W. Bush back in 1995? He counted. Quite the black eye for the group, wasn’t that? Public relations nightmare, and no way could you spin this one.

And, how about your organization’s attempts to muzzle any and every form of tracking firearm violence? Wow. Talk about knowing you have a problem, and doing everything possible to hide it! Just think if the NHTSA was prevented from tracking accidents involving certain vehicles, or the FAA with aircraft crashes. We’d might still be driving vehicles that pop onto their roofs at the slightest whim of the road, or crashing planes with serious aeronautical flaws! But, because stats are tracked, these are not common occurrences anymore.

But hey, it never really has been about the Second Amendment to the Constitution now, right? Because, you continue to sell your own brand of fear to those too stupid to do a little research into exactly HOW the Constitution works.

You know it’s better they don’t understand, right? But, in case one or three of them has read this far, let’s just do a little educating.

First off, the actual PRESIDENT of the United States cannot — I’ll say it louder for the common sense impaired — CANNOT either repeal an existing, or propose any new, amendments to the Constitution. The President does not have any constitutional role to play, so the President doesn’t sign anything having to do with any amendment to the actual Constitution.

Congress, which the NRA owns a huge chunk of, at least for now, is the body that decides to put forth or repeal an amendment. It takes a 2/3 majority vote in both the House and Senate. How comfortable are you with those numbers, LaPierre? If the Democrats get their crap together by November and present viable candidates, you might be facing some peril in your workforce numbers.

Next, the proposed amendment joins the other 27 Amendments to the Constitution after 3/4 (that’s 38) states ratify it. It works the same in reverse. To remove or modify an amendment, the entire process must be put into motion by proposing an amendment to repeal it.

For years, I’ve said, for the record, that not one single member of Congress nor any sitting president EVER said a word about taking everyone’s guns. NOT ONE. Lies and misinformation spread by the NRA and it’s slaves in Congress. It was rich, watching LaPierre’s face when President REAGAN signed a law banning full automatic weapons, a law that Justice Scalia upheld.

Yeah, just go ahead and let that sink in. The two Conservative Champions, banning a weapon. Imagine that.

I don’t like Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, or Dianne Feinstein. For all their rhetoric, not a single one of them EVER said that sane, legitimate citizens of this country should be banned from owning most firearms. No one needs a howitzer, nor a full auto mini gun, grenade launcher, or nuclear weapon. And I stick by, pun fully intended, my guns when I say that unless you are a competitive shooter, you don’t even need an AR-15 of any caliber. That’s where they were going with their proposals.

See that Remington 20ga shotgun in the picture? If I cut a notch in the plastic stock for every varmint I’ve despatched with it, it’d be pretty notched up. It’s part of my job description. It’s a weapon, and a tool. An AR-15 would be basically useless to me out here. Even as isolated as we are, there are still people living within range of an errant projectile.

The loon across the street proved me right. A few years ago, after being told repeatedly by local law enforcement that he did NOT have a safe shooting lane anywhere on his property, he shot a neighbor who was walking down the road behind his property. She was a retired teacher (just soak up the irony) on her daily walk down to get the paper. She lived — barely — and has sued the loon for a lot of money.

I won’t be sorry to see him go.

Here is where I am going with this. Back in the 1960’s and early 70’s, when I was a junior member of the NRA, it was a reasonable, sane organization. The leadership actually worked with local, state and national governments to try and solve people control problems as they arose. That leadership understood the language and meaning of the 2nd amendment, and how outdated it was, given the firepower available in modern times.

The old NRA cared about its public persona. It also cared to try and prevent people who should never be in the same zip code as a loaded firearm from legally acquiring one. It wasn’t yet greedily sucking up the greenbacks from manufacturers at the expense of children’s lives, like the current ‘leadership’ is.

So glad the current NRA is staunchly insuring that children continue to die to protect their members’ right to bear any kind of weaponry.

38 states. That’s all it would take for the 2nd amendment to be repealed. And it would be fully repealed, I suspect. So that legal, legitimate gun owners like me, who use their gun in their daily job, would no longer be able to do so.

At the rate the NRA is hemorrhaging donor dollars, that day may come sooner rather than later. And, because of the stand they have taken since LaPierre took over as emperor, that’s where it’ll go. Not any actual, commonsensical revision, the kind you get when you actually work towards a common goal, a common good.

The kind of “We are tired of our kids dying, we are taking ALL the guns” revision.

The very kind of scenario the NRA has been warning its tiny, core group of slavish, radicalized, hardline followers about for decades could very well finally come true.

And, it’ll be their fault entirely.

It is now, and always has been, about the money. Their kids get bodyguards and private schools.

Everyone else’ get targets on their bodies.

38 states.

Here’s a handy guide for you parents in November:

Just remember how it goes:

A=Asshole acolyte of the highest order and flashiest cars/boats

B=Bumbling butthole busser with 3 mortgages and a mistress

C=Crass and confused, not sure where to stash the cash

D=Dedicated to at least trying to do a good job

F=Fully capable of doing their actual job

Cast your vote appropriately. The kids have given notice that they are watching, and they are learning.

I’m with them.

Also, I forgot to post one more link:

Worth paying a visit when you want actual information dealing with firearms, not BS.



Dusty Craig

Hippie cattle rancher and dog lover. Independent but slightly left of centre. Atheist ethnic Jew. US Navy vet. Damp Oregonian. IG @morganriverranch