Filecoin, A “Centralized” Storage Network

3 min readAug 19, 2020









  • 在太空竞赛中,大矿工可以获得额外奖励。
  • 矿工算力低于一定门限,不能出块。
  • 大量的前置抵押,小矿工难以承担。





卖筹码的人。Filecoin挖矿需要大量的前置抵押。当主网上线的时候,锁仓、抵押等一系列机制,将造成FIL的持有者除了少量的早期投资人之外,就只有官方自己。 也就是说,你要玩Filecoin的挖矿游戏,必须先从官方手里高价购买筹码。

卖万能牌的人。官方在挖矿过程中设计了一种万能牌,Filecoin Discover,也就是所谓的官方硬盘。用这种硬盘封装的扇区,1个可以顶10个,可谓一本万利。然后,官方又是这种万能牌的唯一销售方,并且控制了销量。这样的游戏何来公平?





English Version

After three years, Filecoin, which has drawn a lot of attention, has finally entered the “space race” stage. But in my opinion, this project is heading to a path of the end. I don’t know the reason behind it, but I can feel an invisible force controlling everything. The rules are losing fairness, and the entire network is becoming more and more centralized.

Unfair Race

The result of the space race is not determined by a decentralized network, but by a robot. Miners participating in the competition must receive storage deals sent by the robot and reach a specific deal success rate. The robot is in the hands of a few people, so how can this robot be trusted? The so-called deal success rate is just a row in the database, which can be fabricated and tampered with at any time and cannot be verified by the public. So the success rate can be set to any value as they want.

The robot is located in Europe, but it distributes storage deals to miners all over the world. As we all know, most of Filecoin’s miners are located in China. The so-called space race depends on whether Chinese miners can meet the storage needs of European robots. Such an experiment did not try to simulate real scenarios and requirements. What is the meaning of it? What kind of conclusion is it gonna have?

Big Miner Monopoly

The entire Filecoin mechanism is becoming more and more beneficial to big miners.

  • In the space race, big miners can get extra rewards.
  • Miners cannot produce blocks if their power is below a certain threshold.
  • A large amount of pre-collateral is not easy to afford by small miners.

Miners who provide storage services are vulnerable to attacks. When the network is composed of only a few miners, the attack becomes targeted. I will try to conduct DDoS and other forms of attacks on the head miners of this space race until their order success rate is less than the threshold. I hope the official team can truthfully record these miners’ success rate, which will be a reference for my attack :).

The dealer is also playing cards

As the designer and maintainer of the game rules, the official team should not participate in the game, because they know all the cards and have advantages that others don’t. But we see that the official team is becoming a variety of characters, participating in the game.

The token seller. Filecoin mining requires a large amount of pre-collateralization. When the mainnet is launched, a series of mechanisms such as lock-up and mortgage will cause that, only the official team and a small number of early investors own FIL. In other words, if you want to play the Filecoin mining game, you must first purchase tokens from the official hands at a high price.

Wild card seller. The official designed a wild card in the mining process, Filecoin Discover, also known as the official hard drive. The sectors generated by this kind of hard disk can have 10x power, which is a huge profit. On the other hand, the official is the only seller of this card and controls the sales. How can such a game be fair?

What I want to do

You may want to ask who you are? What are you gonna do? I am also a miner of Filecoin and participated in all Testnets. I think people who know Chinese history understand what I’m gonna do.

The Filecoin project itself has a good idea and design. By using zero-knowledge proof technology, storage becomes decentralized, so that users’ files can be stored by miners all over the world. But the official team is gradually deviating from the original vision and goals and bringing various centralized designs into the project. It’s a shame.

If the official team continues to follow the current path and retain these centralized designs, it will seriously violate the spirit of the blockchain. If this is the final decision, someone will inevitably fork the entire network. I will definitely be involved in it then.

