21st Century Literary Genres: Doodle Fiction, Graphic Novel, and Manga — SIMILARITIES and DIFFERENCES

3 min readSep 27, 2021

There were different kinds of 21st Century Literary Genres, but I will discuss these 3 following genres; Doodle Fiction, Graphic Novel, and Manga — including their similarities and differences.

Doodle Fiction:

  • This genre consists of cartoon doodles with handwritten graphics place of traditional font.
  • Since it has drawings, it enhances the story and often adding humorous elements.

Example books of Doodle Fiction are the following:

— The Search for The Slimy Space Slugs by Mike Lowery. ( https://pin.it/idikqsC )

Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kenny. ( https://pin.it/7xeoyOz )

Graphic Novel:

  • This genre contains excerpts of serialized narratives.
  • It uses a comic book format.
  • This is read from left to right unlike the manga.

Examples of Graphic Novels are the following:

— CORALINE by Niel Gaiman. ( https://pin.it/3vjihps ) ( https://pin.it/1mbEsSa )

— The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang. ( https://pin.it/3SYYH6D ) ( https://pin.it/2Ixh1fi )


  • This is the Japanese word for comics.
  • This genre considered as an artistic and flowy storytelling style.
  • It’s panels were read from right to left.

Examples of Manga are the following:

— Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami. ( https://pin.it/4TifwTJ ) ( https://pin.it/7GNDAfi )

— Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama by Hiro Fujiwara. ( https://pin.it/31l6lpC ) ( https://pin.it/F03Cf56 )

All the genres above contains drawings, illustrations, and graphics in telling a story. I can say that it is worthy to read!

