About me

Say Hello to Mrs Moku

Well travelled, a lot wiser and definitely nutty as a fruit cake old lady. Sharing my tales at the request of my granddaughter.

Mrs Moku
3 min readJul 17, 2022

Dear Reader,

Hello and good day to you.

I’d like to introduce myself briefly so you can decide if my stories might be worthy of your time to read. Will you read this first?

I like this photo by Uriel on Unsplash- It’s bright and colourful and a bit mad, like me.

I am Mrs Moku, born in 1933, I’m an 89-year-old lady who has had many adventures in my lifetime.

I am well travelled and I’d like to think I’m worldly wise. But probably not by today’s standards as my travelling days are now limited to walking around the village to court Mr Smith and catching the early bus into town before it gets too busy.

I like to get a few groceries at the small store and have a chat with Mrs Granger, the owner. Of course, I do have to replenish my vodka supply too on a regular basis. I like a little tipple now and then.

I’ve worked as a personal assistant to some very influential people including being an apprentice photographer to Lord Lichfield. I’ve had some crazy times and many tales to tell.

I have experienced a lot of things, from abseiling down a mountain in the Himalayas to deep sea diving with sharks. Nearly lost my leg on that trip, will tell you that story another day.

I’m not ashamed to say I have experimented with drugs (difficult to avoid when you travel with the rich and famous) and played adult games.

I currently live in a retirement community called The Gables by the seaside where the wind is often bracing. It’s quite idyllic here and the views are to die for (literally in some cases) but it can get a bit boring at times.

I actually come from a large family of 14 brothers and sisters (most of whom have now passed). I have also been married 7 times, and am now looking for husband no. 8! I have 9 children and 14 grandchildren who I’d like to see more off, but can’t complain as most of them do make an effort to see me.

I’m an avid fan of Sudoku, knitting and reading books on my Kindle as I’m very good at using technology and can’t hold a book easily anymore.

Talking of books, I’ve been told I should write a book about my life as people seem to enjoy hearing my stories. So, dear reader, this is my first attempt at doing just that.

Although I’m not actually writing. Arthritic hands make that a tad difficult you see. My granddaughter put this computer program on my iPad called Otter. I don’t like otters, they look cute but boy can they be mean. Anyway, with this Otter, I record my stories and it then transcribes them. I think that’s very clever. It doesn’t get it all right, but pretty good so far.

Editing is much easier than typing. Wish I could still type at 100 words per minute. I’ve also forgotten how to do shorthand, 240 words per minute using that. But who uses shorthand now apart from journalists and in the courtroom, probably not many folks.

Even though I am now quite old, I still enjoy writing and sharing my stories with others. In fact, I am probably the oldest writer on this platform, but I believe that age is just a number, not a mindset.

I believe that life is there to be lived to the fullest no matter what comes your way, embrace it, run with it because one day you’ll hopefully be old like me and looking back. Basking in the memories whilst you still have them and can share them.

I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them!

Yours truly,

Mrs Moku

p.s. I just had to remove all the double spaces from the above as according to my granddaughter you don’t do that now. I’m still old school in many things. Whoops! Did it again.

Do you consider yourself to be a kind person? Then buy an old lady a coffee. I won’t drink it, but I will pass your donation on to someone who needs it. Thank you. https://ko-fi.com/mrsmoku



Mrs Moku

Well travelled, a lot wiser and definitely nutty as a fruit cake. Sharing my tales at the request of my granddaughter. https://ko-fi.com/mrsmoku