Women have a higher sex drive? Documentary Poses Interesting Question.

Gavin Yellis
2 min readMay 17, 2019


There is a stereotype that all men are always horny, constantly turned down by women.

A recent documentary ‘Do Women Have A Higher Sex Drive?’ poses that question and based on the reviews a lot of men are not happy, especially MRA’s also known as Men Rights Activist. You would think that men would be happy, but one of the conclusions of the film is that women do like to have sex, but not with you. The films explores the selective nature of women and how this has been misinterpreted by the media as having a lower sex drive.

Though honestly when I first saw the trailer I also thought that this film was going to be a feminist propaganda film. But as the film progressed it exposed some hard truths that are difficult for a lot of men to swallow. The ultimate message of the documentary is not actually the sex drive, but a warning about the growing divide between men and women, especially in the bedroom.

Other Facts

There is a stereotype that all men are always horny, constantly turned down by women. But stereotypes are thankfully fading, and it’s now fair to say that women’s sex drives are no longer taboo. Now it’s now fully established that women like sex, it’s about time we started talking about the fact they may actually want more of it than men do — according to a new survey at least. Voucher Codes Pro surveyed more than 2,000 Brits, who were all in a long-term relationship. They found that 59 per cent of women said they wanted more sex than they were currently getting, compared to just 41 per cent of men.

That’s an 18 percentage point difference!

In addition — one fifth of couples argue about the fact they’re not having enough sex, and just under three fifths of respondents said their sex lives were lacking a sense of adventure.

A naughty seven per cent of those who admitted they didn’t get enough sex in the relationship said they got it outside of the relationship, while two fifths said they looked at “adult content online”. Adult toys were the answer for 28 per cent.



Gavin Yellis

A movie buff en writer about film and theater.