In Time we Trust

3 min readDec 1, 2021


What is Time

Time has become a universal currency, transferred directly between people or stored in “time capsules” ( wallets ).

It is traded by the second and used in the Time ecosystem of Dapps ranging from hiring workforce for their Time , playing games fueled by Time or Literally owning a historical date in the past as a Time NFT …

Time a new asset class

This new asset is backed by the real time as we know it (24 hours a day).

We already have a worldwide consensus on time, our clocks are synchronized to tell us the total supply of Time.

We believe that Time transacting should be as easy as looking at your clock (in the future that would be your wallet), and transfering Time as easy as shacking hands.


Time started Jun-26–2021 11:15:55 PM +UTC on this transaction on the ethereum mainnet.

No Time was pre-mined before the start of Time, and every 10 min Time can be released by Time Keepers via the minting proccess.

The minting proccess is triggered every 10 min and a competition starts to claim a progressive Time reward.

The reward can be after 1 second (if the competition is tense) or it can increase to months if no one claims it.

Reward of 46 minutes and 04 seconds

When there is no reward , the screen witll show TIME OUT

How to Mine Time

Claiming Time only requires gas fees to be paid for the Ethereum transaction and only the fastest transaction will get its owner the reward.

You can mine TIME with Metamask by clicking on “MINT”.

How to Trade time

Time can be traded on uniswap , the arbitrage opportunities allow time to flow from the clock to exchanges to be traded.

Time roadmap:

Time will have its own marketplaces and utilities for NFT , Jobs , Social Media Ads …

  • The NFT marketplace will allow users to claim a special historical date in the past from a calendar, or unique NFT clock integrated as wallpaper for your smartwatch

to claim the NFT you will need Time in the first place. ( ) , have a preview to Kie’s video on how this looks like :

  • the Time jobs marketplace will allow users to apply for jobs and others to recruit, the labor transaction will allow transfering time from the recruiter to the talented workforce. all our team is hired now with Time so a workday can be compensated with 3600 seconds or less
  • The Time games will allow users to acquire Time to play games like “squid game” where to survive you will need more Time.
  • The Time wall, a restricted “Tweets per day” where you need to pay a 10 min post to appear on the wall for the day
  • Time clock wallet: a physical watch that keeps your Time safe and will be used to transact Time easily between people in the real world
  • Decentralized Network Time Blockchain : a unique blockchain that uses proof of Time for concensus and that will scale Time to the next level.

and more to come by the community …

All these applications will allow time to be used in the real and virtual world

Time Community

