INVEST IN YOURSELF (and how to do it)

George Toskov
2 min readSep 23, 2017


Keep learning, keep growing. The worst thing you can do is stay in exactly the same place all the time. What keeps life interesting is growing!

Buy books, sign up for courses, hire that personal trainer, travel to a different country, overcome your fear, do something new. Money spent on improving yourself and growing is never money wasted.

The HOW:

  1. Know what you want to improve and let that be your goal. Make a plan of action because a goal without a plan is just a dream. Practise the thing you want to learn EVERY. SINGLE. DAY and don’t give yourself the excuse “I don’t have time today”. We can all spare 15 minutes of our day.
  2. Consider who you spend time with and whether they are good influence on you. If your 4 closest friends are losers, you’ll be the 5th. It may be harsh but it is just super true. Find yourself some new friends who have the same mindset as you and who are already at the level that you want to be.
  3. Practise properly. It’s fine to go over things you have already learn but you won’t grow from that. You won’t learn anything new. Part of investing in yourself is pushing yourself to go deep into your work when you don’t even feel like it. Just allocating time to practise won’t be enough. It’s what you do with that time that matters and how much you push yourself, how much you want it. I found the Pomodoro Technique to be really useful. Basically, I write down 8 single tasks and spend 25 minutes on each with 5 minutes in between. I focus only on ONE at a time, and cut off all distractions. The Airplane mode on my iPhone has become a best friend.

Overall, we as humans thrive by growing. Being stagnant makes us bored, tired, and depressed. Invest in yourself and keep on improving, every day. Even if it’s just a small step towards your goal, after a while you will look back and be amazed at how much you have achieved.

Thank me later.. or now by giving this article a couple of claps ;)

You can find my daily short articles on self-improvement and social media on my instagram — @georgetoskov

George Toskov, CEO of ElefantDigital (

