
My cat loves to give my husband's hair a bath. Maybe it's because his hair is roughly the same length as her fur? I don't know.
If I get a bath, it's my hand or my face at 4:00 in the morning. And baths she gives me are so few and far between that I have to use my shower on a regular basis.
We went on vacation once and when I woke up our first morning back home, my cat decided the best place to sit was on top of my face. I mean, RIGHT ON TOP OF MY FACE so that all I could see was "the full moon." 🌛

Normally she sits at the foot of the bed on top of my feet. Maybe she figured this would keep us from going on vacation ever again.



Maureen R. Proksel

Rescue mom to my beloved cat. Wife. Millennial with a journalism degree. Pro-vaccine, pro-science. I write about environment, social justice & random thoughts