Review — Decentralized Finance on Tron


Tran Mr
4 min readMay 22, 2020

Oikos is a Tron based synthetic asset platform that provides on-chain exposure to fiat currencies, commodities, stocks, and indices. Synthetic assets (Synths) are backed by Oikos Network Tokens (OKS) locked into a smart contract as collateral. Synths track the prices of various assets, allowing crypto-native and unbanked users to trade P2C (peer-to-contract) on Oikos Exchange without liquidity limitations.

As I mentioned above to readers about Oikos, Oikos is, in general, a decentralized general asset release protocol built on Tron. In this article I will introduce to readers some of the highlights, pros and cons and some solutions that oikos have come up with. Along with that I will also introduce you to the team and the roadmap they have set, let’s start the article!


  • Price data is obtained via multiple trusted sources and aggregated to create a robust price oracle mechanism.
  • Developer tools make it easy to create applications leveraging Oikos services.
  • Trade over 30 different Synths from various categories
  • Join liquidity pools to collect fees on TRX-TRC20 pairs. Trade TRX for any TRC20 without wrapping.
  • Liquidity-sensitive automated pricing using constant product formula​.


  • Trading on Oikos.Exchange provides many advantages over centralised exchanges and order book based DEX’s. The lack of an order book means all trades are executed against the contract, known as P2C (peer-to-contract) trading. Assets are assigned an exchange rate through price feeds supplied by an oracle, and can be converted using the Oikos.Exchange dApp. This provides infinite liquidity up to the total amount of collateral in the system, zero slippage, and permissionless on-chain trading.
  • Trustless Token Exchange: Oikos Swap is a Tron port of Uniswap: a trustless decentralized exchange that allows users to trade any Tron-based token without any deposits or withdrawals to a centralized order book. Better yet, Oikos Swap liquidity pools have little to no slippage for the vast majority of transactions. Anyone can contribute by adding or removing liquidity to gain commissions in the form of exchange fees as well as rewards paid in OKS token.


  • There are several risks in the current architecture, as Oikos is still an experimental system and complex systems require both empirical observations and theoretical analysis. Empirical observation and theoretical analysis ensure the mechanism design aligns incentives for all players.
  • One risk involves the debt OKS holders issue when they stake their OKS and mint Synths. As previously explained, this debt can fluctuate due to exchange rate shifts within the system. This means that to exit the system and unlock their staked OKS, they may need to burn more Synths than they originally minted.
  • Most people in the cryptocurrency space are aware of this risk, but the prices of most cryptoassets are highly correlated to Bitcoin and/or Tron. This means it’s possible for major price fluctuations in the OKS token to occur for reasons that have little to do with OKS or the Oikos system.
  • Finally, there are a number of aspects of the system that are currently centralised. This decision has been made to ensure efficient implementation of the project. One example of centralisation is the use of proxy contracts across much of the architecture. This is to ensure the system can be upgraded easily but confers a level of control to the engineering team which requires trust from users. While these aspects will be phased out over time, it is important to understand the risks inherent in the current system architecture.


  • As a decentralised protocol, the Oikos team is committed to decentralisation and censorship resistance — this will be a gradual process as the system matures. This includes crucial areas such as our price feeds. We have previously announced a partnership with Chainlink, a provider of decentralised oracle solutions.
  • Another important area is governance, we have recently initiated regular community governance calls to ensure the project’s goals are aligned with the community. Another aspect of this process is a move to a formal change management process, we have introduced SIP’s (Oikos Improvement Proposals) to allow the community to introduce change requests and to ensure that any changes to the system are well understood and considered by all stakeholders.




In this article I have outlined some of my knowledge to readers about oikos, the above are my insights into this project.You can refer to the website: or litepaper:

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