Pressure Marks on Laptop Screen: How Do We Prevent and Remove Them?

Vincent Vega
8 min readOct 10, 2023
Pressure Marks on Laptop Screen
Pressure Marks on Laptop Screen

I’ve been using laptops for over 20 years, and in that time, I’ve made a few mistakes that have resulted in pressure marks on my laptop screen.

The first time it happened, I was in college and carrying my laptop in my backpack. I tripped and fell, and the laptop landed on the screen. I got a big, dark pressure mark in the middle of the screen. It was so distracting that I could barely use my laptop.

The second time, I was working on a deadline at home and getting frustrated. I slammed the lid of my laptop shut in anger, and when I opened it back up, there were pressure marks on the laptop screen. The pressure mark was smaller this time, but it was still annoying.

I’ve learned a lot from my mistakes, and I want to share what I’ve learned with you so that you can avoid getting pressure marks on your laptop screen.

What Are Pressure Marks on Laptop Screen?
Types of Pressure Marks
What Causes Pressure Marks on Laptop Screen?
How to Prevent Pressure Marks on Laptop Screen
How to Remove Pressure Marks on Laptop Screen
How to Remove Temporary Laptop Screen Pressure Marks
Tips For Keeping Your Laptop Screen in Good Condition
What To Do If You Spot a Pressure Mark on Your Screen

According to a recent survey by a leading laptop repair company, over 50% experienced pressure marks on their laptop screens at some point.

The survey also found that the most common causes of pressure marks are:

  • Closing the lid of the laptop too hard (40%)
  • Placing heavy objects on the laptop (25%)
  • Dropping the laptop (15%)
  • Pressing too hard on the screen (10%)

The survey also found that pressure marks are more common on touchscreen laptops than non-touchscreen laptops.

What Are Pressure Marks on Laptop Screen?

Pressure marks on laptop screens are discolored or darkened areas on the screen that are caused by pressure.

This pressure can come from various sources, such as the keyboard, the lid of the laptop, or heavy objects placed on top of the laptop.

This damage can cause the pixels in the affected area to change color or brightness or even become completely dead.

Pressure marks can be small and isolated or cover large screen areas.

Types of Pressure Marks

Pressure marks can occur on various surfaces, including laptops and LCDs. They are caused by applying pressure to the surface, which can damage the underlying pixels or cells.

There are two main types of pressure marks: temporary and permanent.

Temporary pressure: marks are caused by light pressure and usually disappear over time. For example, if you press your finger on a laptop screen, you may see a temporary pressure mark. The force has caused the pixels to change color or brightness.

Permanent pressure: marks are caused by heavier pressure and may not disappear independently. For example, if you drop your laptop and it lands on the screen, you may see a permanent pressure mark. This is because the pressure has damaged the pixels or cells beyond repair.

Different Types of Pressure Marks on Laptop Screens

The kind of pressure mark on a laptop screen will depend on the type of screen and the amount of pressure applied.

On an LCD screen, pressure marks can appear as bright or dark spots or even areas where the screen is entirely black. On a touch screen, pressure marks may appear in areas where the screen is less responsive or does not respond.

Here are some of the most common types of pressure marks on laptop screens:

  • Bright spots: These spots appear brighter than the rest of the screen. They are often caused by light pressure, such as closing the laptop lid too hard.
  • Dark spots: These spots appear darker than the rest of the screen. They are often caused by heavier pressure, such as dropping the laptop or placing heavy objects on top of it.
  • Dead pixels: These are damaged pixels and no longer display color. They are often caused by heavy pressure or by a manufacturing defect.
  • Unresponsive areas: These areas of the touch screen do not respond to touch or respond less well than other areas of the screen. They are often caused by heavy pressure or by a manufacturing defect.

What Causes Pressure Marks on Laptop Screen?

The most common cause of laptop screen pressure marks is closing the lid too hard. This can happen if you are not careful or have many objects in your bag or backpack pushing against the laptop.

Another common cause of pressure marks is placing heavy objects on the laptop. This can include books, notebooks, or even your arm. Use a soft pad to protect the screen if you need to put something on your laptop.

Transporting your laptop in a tight bag or backpack can also cause pressure marks. If you don’t pad the laptop correctly, the other objects in the bag can apply pressure to the screen.

As mentioned above, laptop screen pressure marks can be caused by a variety of things, including:

  • Closing the lid of your laptop too hard
  • Placing heavy objects on top of the laptop
  • Transporting your laptop in a tight bag or backpack
  • Dropping your laptop
  • Pressing too hard on the screen
  • Using a stylus or other sharp object on the screen

How to Prevent Pressure Marks on Laptop Screen

The best way to prevent laptop screen pressure marks is to be careful with your laptop. Be careful when closing the lid, and avoid placing heavy objects on top of the laptop or transporting it in a tight bag or backpack.

If you must transport your laptop, use a well-padded laptop bag or backpack. You may also consider using a screen protector to protect your laptop screen from scratches and pressure marks.

There are a few things you can do to prevent laptop screen pressure marks:

  • Be careful when closing the lid of your laptop. Don’t slam it shut.
  • Avoid placing heavy objects on your laptop.
  • Use a well-padded laptop bag or backpack when transporting your laptop.
  • Be careful not to drop your laptop.
  • Don’t press too hard on the screen.
  • Avoid using a stylus or other sharp objects on the screen.
  • Store your laptop in a protective case or sleeve to prevent pressure from external objects.

I recommend using a screen protector. A screen protector is a thin film that covers your laptop screen and protects it from scratches, pressure marks, and other damage.

How to Remove Pressure Marks on Laptop Screen

If you do get laptop screen pressure marks, there are a few things you can try to remove them:

  • Use a microfiber cloth and a screen cleaner. Gently wipe the affected area with the microfiber cloth and screen cleaner. Be careful don’t press too hard.
  • Use a warm compress. Apply a warm compress to the affected area for a few minutes. This may help to loosen the pressure mark and make it easier to remove.
  • Use a screen protector. A screen protector can help protect your laptop screen from pressure marks and other types of damage.

If you have tried all the above and the pressure marks are still visible, you may need to replace your laptop screen. This is a relatively expensive repair, but it may be the only way to remove the pressure marks altogether.

How to Remove Temporary Laptop Screen Pressure Marks

If you notice temporary pressure marks on your laptop screen, you can try the following gentle methods to alleviate them:

  • Power Off and Rest: Power off your laptop and let it rest for a while. Sometimes, pressure marks can fade away when the screen is unused.
  • Gentle Cleaning: Use a soft, lint-free cloth and mild cleaning solutions to clean the screen. Lightly wipe the affected area to see if the marks fade.
  • Apply Heat: Gently heat the affected area using a hairdryer or warm, damp cloth on a low setting. Be careful not to overheat the screen.

Tips For Keeping Your Laptop Screen in Good Condition

Here are a few tips for keeping your laptop screen in good condition:

  • Regularly clean your laptop screen with a microfiber cloth and a screen cleaner.
  • Don’t press too hard on the screen.
  • Avoid using a stylus or other sharp objects on the screen.
  • Use a screen protector to protect your laptop screen from pressure marks and other types of damage.
  • When transporting your laptop, use a backpack or a well-padded laptop bag.

Seeking Professional Help for Permanent Pressure Marks

If you have permanent pressure marks on your laptop screen, you may need professional help. An expert tech can figure out the issue and suggest the right solution.

How to Find a Qualified Technician

There are a few things you can do to find a qualified technician to repair your laptop screen:

  • Ask your family or friends for recommendations.
  • Check online reviews of local repair shops.
  • Contact your laptop manufacturer’s customer support for a list of authorized repair centers.

What To Do If You Spot a Pressure Mark on Your Screen

If you are experiencing pressure marks on the screen. You need to identify the cause of the problem so that you can take steps to prevent it from happening again.

For example, if you notice pressure marks on the bottom of your laptop screen, you may close the lid too hard.

Try being more careful when closing the lid to see if this helps reduce the pressure marks.

Additional Tips

  • If you have a touchscreen laptop, be careful not to press too hard on the screen when using it. Too much pressure can damage the screen and cause pressure marks.
  • If you use a laptop stand, adjust it so the screen is at a comfortable viewing angle. This will help reduce the pressure you must apply to the screen to operate it.
  • If you transport your laptop in a backpack or bag, pad it well and protect it from bumps and jostles.
  • Avoid eating or drinking near your laptop. Food and drinks can spill on the screen and damage it.

I hope this information is helpful. By following these tips, you can help keep your laptop screen in good condition and avoid getting pressure marks.

Final Thoughts

Pressure marks on laptop screens are a common problem, but you can do a few things to prevent and remove them. Following the tips above, you can help keep your laptop screen in good condition for many years.



Vincent Vega

SEO Expert | Tech enthusiast who brings a deep understanding of the ever-evolving world of technology.