A message for my future self

Michael R. Vozniak
3 min readJul 9, 2018
Copyright Michael R. Vozniak

Have you ever glanced at the future? I’m sure you did. I’m sure you’ve looked at a picture and saw the future. A possible future.
Or maybe you didn’t see the future, but rather felt it. Maybe you touched water and you felt time. Or maybe the future touched you, and you looked away..

There are a lot of possibilities, a lot of alternate realities ready to become reality.

How do you choose your path? Aren’t you stressed out about all these possibilities? All those paths you can choose.
If you aren’t worried, you are doing just fine. If you are letting go and following something, something maybe crazy or different or weird, then you won a big battle. You are are following your feelings and heart.
Because creating a future is not for the faint hearted! It demands strength and will. It demands letting go, grabbing and reattaching to what feels right!

If you are worried, just detach from the mind and the material world to focus on your goal.

Go to a mountain, become a goat and only then you will focus on how to find food. The goat is always focusing on doing what nature created it for.
The goat is always focused. The goat…



Michael R. Vozniak

It all depends on the connection we have to the non-material world |Philosophy, Art | www.ehsomethings.com