How To Win Your Life’s Battles?

Masih Farid✍️
1 min readMay 28, 2024


Minds are a Battleground. The body is a Battleground.

Disease is going on inside, we don’t even know what’s coming up.

And while we are fighting so many battles, we need to stay aligned, we need to stay focused, we need to stay in sync, and we need to stay in tune with our Purpose.

If we are not, we lose those Battles. and that’s the purpose of the Gita. in our daily battles, it’s not about just kurukshetra, life is kurukshetra and in our daily battles, we follow that book. The mindset in that book, every battle is won in the mind before it’s won outside.

How many of you have prepared a presentation very well before you go in the boardroom in the mind?

everything is won in the mind before you win it outside and that’s what the Gita is.

Win in the mind and that’s when you can win the battles outside.

“Stay aligned in your inner world to win your battles in the outer world.”

