Michael Stephenson
6 min readJan 9, 2023
Photo by 0fjd125gk87 on Pixabay

All about Vector Databases

Vector databases are becoming increasingly popular in data science and machine learning as they provide a powerful and efficient way to store and index vector embeddings. Vector databases are used to represent data points as vectors stored in a database and can be used to perform various types of data analysis. Vector databases are particularly useful for tasks such as natural language processing and image recognition, as they allow data points to be represented in a way that is more easily understood by machines. Vector databases can also store and index large amounts of data, providing a better way to store and organize data than traditional databases. In this article, we will explore the concept of vector databases, how they index and store vector embeddings, and the various benefits they offer.

What is a Vector Database?

A vector database is a type of database that is optimized for storing and processing sequences of data. Vector databases are particularly useful for tasks such as natural language processing and image recognition, as data points can be represented as vectors. For example, a vector database could be used to convert an image of a dog into a series of numbers (such as the dog's size, the color of its fur, etc.), which can easily be stored and analyzed. This is much easier to understand than if the image data were represented as an image, as vector databases can store and process data in a way easily understandable by machines. Vector databases are based on the concept of vectorization, which refers to the process of turning data points into easily stored and analyze vectors. A vector database can be considered a table with infinite columns, meaning there is no limit to the amount of data stored in a vector database. Vector databases are useful for storing and analyzing large amounts of data, as they can efficiently process data sequences, such as time series data. In addition, vector databases can provide a better way to store and organize data than traditional databases.

Benefits of Vector Databases

- Efficient data processing — Vector databases can efficiently process sequences of data stored in the database, such as time series data. This is particularly useful for tasks such as image recognition, as images can be stored as a sequence of numbers. — A better way to store and organize data — Vector databases can provide a better way to store and organize data, as they are optimized for storing data sequences. For example, a vector database could be used to organize financial data by representing each company as a vector with data such- as its share price, revenue, profit, etc. This is easier than organizing the data into a table, as there is no need to specify which columns belong to which companies. — Improved data visualization — Vector databases can be used to visualize data more accurately than traditional databases, as they can represent data points more accurately. For example, a vector database could be used to visualize a time series chart, as the data points could be visualized as vectors on a chart. — Easier for machines to understand data — Data points are represented in a way that is more easily understood by machines when data is stored in a vector database. For example, a vector database could be used to store and analyze images, as the data could be represented as vectors (such as the color, size, etc., of the image). This is easier for machines to understand than the images themselves, which would require a large amount of processing. — Improved scalability — There is no limit to the amount of data stored in a vector database, as the data can be represented as vectors, meaning there is no need for tables with a certain number of columns. In addition, vector databases are highly scalable, as they can easily handle large amounts of data. — Easier for human comprehension — Data points can be visualized more accurately when represented as vectors. For example, a vector database could visualize financial data such as a share price chart. This is more accurate than a table, as it is easier for humans to understand the visualized data. — Reduced need for data transformation — Data transformation is not required when data is stored in a vector database, as data is represented differently. — Reduced need for data storage — Data is only stored as vectors, meaning less space is needed to store data in a vector database than in a traditional database. — Robustness against data type changes — If the data type of a column is changed in a traditional database, the entire database might need to be rebuilt. In a vector database, no data transformation is required in this scenario. — Simpler to implement and use — Vector databases are simpler to implement and use than traditional databases, as no data transformation is required to store data in the database. — Better scalability — There is no limit to the amount of data that can be stored in a vector database, as the data can be represented as vectors, meaning there is no need for tables with a certain number of columns. In addition, vector databases are highly scalable, as they can easily handle large amounts of data.

Types of Vector Databases

- Graph-based vector databases — Graph-based vector databases store data as nodes and edges in a graph, which is then modeled as a probability distribution function (PDF). This type of vector database is especially useful for tasks such as image recognition, as it allows data to be represented in a way that is easily understandable by machines. — Hybrid vector databases — Hybrid vector databases are a combination of two or more of the above types of vector databases and can offer the best of both worlds. For example, a hybrid vector database could use a graph-based vector database to store images and a table-based vector database to store financial data. — Table-based vector databases — Table-based vector databases store data in tables, where each table consists of rows and columns. This type of vector database is helpful for tasks such as machine translation, as data can be represented in a way that is easily understandable by machines.

Using Vector Databases for Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing is a type of data analysis that can be performed using vector databases. Natural language processing is used to recognize and interpret human language, such as text from books, newspapers, websites, etc. Using a vector database to perform natural language processing requires the data to be parsed into individual words, which can then be represented as vectors. VerbNet is a vector database that is commonly used for natural language processing (link: https://verbs.colorado.edu/semlink/). VerbNet includes verbs, their related senses, and the relations between them, which means it can be used to conduct various types of natural language processing. For example, a vector database could be used to analyze a text to determine the central theme, particularly useful for writing essays or short stories. A vector database could also be used to determine how positive or negative a piece of text is, which is useful for determining product reviews.

Using Vector Databases for Image Recognition

Image recognition is a type of data analysis that can be performed using vector databases. Image recognition is the ability of a machine to interpret images and is commonly used to recognize images, such as pictures of products sold online. Using a vector database to perform image recognition requires parsing the image into individual pixels, which can then be represented as vectors. ImageNet is a vector database commonly used for image recognition, as it has over 15 million images that have been hand-annotated. ImageNet can perform various types of image recognition, such as object and image recognition. For example, a vector database could be used to recognize pictures of dogs. This can be useful for image tagging and image classification, as it can help organize images.

Advantages of Vector Databases Over Traditional Databases

- A better way to store and organize data — Vector databases provide a better way to store and organize data, as they are optimized for storing data sequences. For example, a vector database could be used to organize financial data by representing each company as a vector with data such- as its share price, revenue, profit, etc. This is easier than organizing the data into a table, as there is no need to specify which columns belong to which companies. — Improved data visualization — Vector databases can be used to visualize data more accurately than traditional databases, as they can represent data points more accurately. For example, a vector database could be used to visualize a time series chart, as the data points could be visualized as vectors on

Michael Stephenson

Applying Computer Vision Technologies to MLOps pipelines is my area of interest. I also have an Academic background in Data Analytics.