First UX project E-Groceries with Ground Control

5 min readMar 30, 2019


First two weeks at Iron Hack, we had to choose a place close to our school to develop an online shop, e-grocery. For this challenge, I really enjoyed to work with Sophie and Anna with who I chose the new Ground Control Champs Elysées for this UX project.

Not really commun as a grocery but we decided to work on this concept. Ground Control is an alternative place where you can find different spaces like a restaurant, a coffee shop, a shop and an art gallery. Quite trendy in Paris now, we call them too “tiers lieux” in French.

Once we had the subject, we did all the steps of Design Thinking Process.


It’s time to make some research about your business market, who are the competitors, who are the stakeholders and what are their goals. So we met the managers of the place to know more about their business and their goals.

For the user part, we sent an online survey to different people to collect data about how they know Ground Control and others places. Then, we had 5 interviews to know more about what the users do, like, feel, etc. (clients and non clients). It’s an important moment to discover who are your users, what matters to them.

2. Define

After collecting all data, we didn’t know exactly where to start but the process has great tools to manage this part. We used an Empathy map to synthetize what the user feels in a situation, to better understand emotions and feelings. We used also an Affinity map to cluster our data and visualize the relationships between them.

Affinity map

This analysis helped us to “meet” Tina, our persona. She’s not real but she can be a friend of you or someone met in the street. This character is based on all information we collected before.

Tina lives in Paris, she’s 35 years, working girl, she has a very busy agenda but as she curious she wants to discover nice place where she can have a break.

Meet Tina, our persona

She knows about the new Ground Control but she went only to the restaurant and she couldn’t find the information she was looking for.

So we draw a user journey to identify where are the pain points for her when she needs information about the place or an event.

Paint points:

  • She can’t find any information when she’s looking for something specific
  • She missed some events where she would have loved to go
User journey — copyright Anne-Sophie Duval

We can use also a story board to illustrate these pain points, then it depends on your time :).

Define the main problem is all about this step of the Design Thinking Process, finally we converge to the following problem statement:

“How may we help Tina to get the info she needs in order to fully benefit from GC offers?”

So we will help Tina to get the information she needs and enjoy the Ground Control’s offer that we named “experiences” here.


Time to brainstorm with different challenging methods like Crazy 8s and Round Robin that helped us to generate a maximum of ideas in a very short time. Lost in our creativity, we used the MOSKOW method to define what it’s the most important for the user. We chose our best commun ideas with my classmates and we classed each of them in 4 categories : Must Have’s, Nice Have’s, Could Have’s, Won’t Have’s.

After this, we didn’t forget Tina and we reminded us what she needs to define a user flow. It means how she could do if she would like to buy online an experience from Ground Control. This flow helped us to draw the prototype of the solution.

User flow

4. & 5. Prototype and Test

The last week we finalized our prototype and tested it with different users.

A prototype at this step of the process has to be done very quickly. The main benefits of this rapid prototype are :

  • Reduced time to market
  • Lower product development cost
  • Improved product design

Here our low-fidelity prototype :

Low fid prototype of our screens

We received different feedback of this prototype, quite positive but some of them asked specific features that won’t answer to Tina’s problem like a lot of choice of payment methods or Sign In with a social media profile.

To sum up, it was two intensive weeks with my classmates, but we learnt a lot about the main steps of Design Thinking process.

Now I am excited to start the UI part next week, let see which colors and design I will choose!

Quote i love from our “guru”:

“No product is an island. A product is more than the product. It is a cohesive, integrated set of experiences” Don Norman




Project management, change management et product management