Why Do Squirrels Bury Nuts

Ms Heather Whitney
5 min readDec 23, 2022


Most of North America is home to squirrels, and chances are you’ve already seen a lot of them playing in your yard. Perhaps you’ve even noticed that for some reason, squirrels appear to like to bury nuts everywhere.

Although having squirrels dig up everything could seem a little bothersome, this is only a typical behavior for them. You’re not the only one who may be wondering why squirrels bother to do this.

Many people are intrigued about why squirrels bury nuts and other objects even though they are unsure of the exact reason. Find out why exactly squirrels are hiding nuts in your yard and other frequented areas by reading on.

Squirrels Start Burying Nuts When It Gets Cold

As soon as a squirrel senses the weather becoming cooler, it will begin burrowing nuts. Typically, during the winter, squirrels will store their nuts somewhere secure so that they can later return and consume those nuts.

Squirrels’ access to different sorts of food will be impacted by the cold weather. Squirrels will find it harder to find some of the foods they enjoy foraging for throughout the winter, so they will want to store up while they can.

When they are hungry, squirrels will dig out convenient locations where they may store nuts. Additionally, you’ll see squirrels burrowing nuts in a variety of locations.

The squirrels are aware that it would be unwise to bury all of the nuts in one location due to the possibility of that location being compromised. They are wise enough to distribute their resources so that they are less likely to lose their complete stock for any given occasion.

Some Squirrels Sleep During The Winter

During the winter, some squirrels hibernate, but not all squirrels do. While some species of squirrels spend the winter months sleeping for extended durations, others stay up.

Some folks could have told you that squirrels stockpile food in their dens for wintertime munching. This is incorrect because that isn’t how squirrels often behave.

They use the burying technique described above, and they must keep track of the locations of all the nuts and other items they have found to store away for the winter. The ability of squirrels to accomplish this is actually rather astounding because it would be difficult to recall all of that information.

Squirrels have sophisticated memories that allow them to remember where they buried items, and they are intelligent enough to understand that food will be sparse during the winter. Squirrels struggle during the winter, which is why they spend so much time getting ready in the fall.

In the autumn, you can observe squirrels scrounging for as much food as they can. They have to obtain food that will sustain them over the chilly winter months in addition to feeding themselves during this period.

It is simpler to admire squirrels if you consider how difficult their struggle for survival is. These animals are very amazing in a variety of ways.

Why Do Squirrels Bury Their Nuts?

Even understanding the aforementioned details does not fully explain why squirrels bury their nuts. They might have just as easily hidden the nuts above ground, don’t you think?

While it is true that squirrels may attempt to store nuts and other foods above the ground, it is also true that they compete with other squirrels for the same resources. Squirrels will steal from one another in order to increase their chances of surviving.

Squirrels stealing nuts or other goodies from other squirrels is not at all unusual. Burying nuts doesn’t even ensure that other squirrels won’t steal them.

The buried nuts that other squirrels have toiled so diligently to find are accessible to squirrels. Squirrels are pretty smart and have safeguards against such things, but sometimes these squirrel thieves will get away with it.

Squirrels will begin to utilize trickery to their advantage once they become aware that there are robbers nearby. Sometimes they’ll plant phony nut caches in the ground that have nothing inside.

A smart squirrel can make it appear as though the earth has been dug up and nuts may be buried elsewhere. This may deceive the thieving squirrels, allowing them to guard the nuts’ genuine location.

You might not have imagined that squirrels would have such sophisticated thinking before reading this. They are clever beyond what most people would expect from such a small animal, and they are capable of being cunning.

Although squirrels aren’t considered intelligent by definition, it’s impossible not to be impressed by the ingenious strategies they are capable of employing. If there are a lot of thieves in a certain location, they may even start burying nuts in difficult-to-reach spots.

A squirrel may start hiding nuts in muddy places or under bushes. How well they conceal things is quite intriguing.

How Do Squirrels Remember Where They Bury The Nuts?

How squirrels are able to recall where they hid the nuts is not fully known. The evidence does point to some aspects of enhanced memory in squirrels, though.

Despite storing nuts in numerous locations, squirrels remember not just where they placed them but also the kinds of nuts they buried. Based on factors like nutritive value and general flavor, squirrels rank nuts in order of preference.

The most valuable nuts that a squirrel has are frequently hidden in locations where other squirrels cannot easily steal them. Nuts should be placed in potentially dangerous regions where predators may be present rather than in places where other squirrels might steal them.

They manage to distinguish between each of these nut caches in their minds and are able to recall them at a later time when they are hungry. Although it is astounding how they manage to do it, it is impossible to provide a technical explanation.

Squirrels are studied, yet people still don’t fully comprehend everything there is to know about them. Although we know a lot about squirrels, we still don’t fully understand how they recall things.

Final Thoughts

You probably have a better understanding of squirrels now that you are more aware of how they function. Burying nuts is related to surviving the winter months for these tiny animals, who work extremely hard to make sure they have adequate nourishment.

Additionally, squirrels may feel the need to bury nuts in order to keep other squirrels from attempting to take their food. It’s mind-boggling to consider that they occasionally resort to lying in an effort to deter criminals.

The fact that squirrels can recall where they buried all of the nuts is another example of how much more capable they are than most people assume. Humans frequently forget where they put their vehicle keys, whereas squirrels can locate nuts that have been hidden in a variety of places.

Now, hopefully, you know everything there is to know about squirrels and why they hide nuts. Although there is still plenty to learn about squirrels and how they operate, you should now have a better understanding of the fundamentals.

