Imagining Experience for Gym Equipment Rental

Manisha Singh
8 min readSep 24, 2023


Project Brief : Design an online platform for the rental of workout equipment.

Timeline : 2 weeks

We received a list of 120 prompts as part of the assignment, and we were granted the liberty to select the prompts that piqued our individual interests.


A lot of us have a love and hate relationship with gym and exercise.
We love it when we see the results, but on the other hand, it kills us to get up everyday and head to gym. Here I am trying to address this problem and find a middle ground for people who want to stay fit but dread going to the gym daily, for a variety of factors which we would explore moving forward.

Design process

In the design journey, various key elements come into play, including audience segmentation to define target demographics, interviews and insights to understand user needs, persona creation to empathise with users, crafting “How Might We” questions to foster innovative problem-solving, competitive analysis to understand the industry landscape, brainstorming sessions to generate creative solutions, and the development of wireframes and visual designs to create user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing interfaces. These components collectively shape user-centered and effective solutions, ensuring that the final product aligns with both user expectations and business goals.

The first step in making fitness accessible, was to gain insights into the mindset of individuals who engage in fitness activities, whether at home or in a gym setting. To do so, I defined segments to understand my target audience better with respect to their needs, goals and behaviour.

Segment 1: Affluent women of tier 2 cities
This segment represents financially well-off women who reside in smaller urban areas (Tier 2 cities). These women have the financial capacity to invest in fitness and wellness but might have unique preferences and challenges compared to those in larger cities.

Segment 2 : People who have corporate jobs
This segment includes individuals who work in corporate settings. They often lead busy, structured lives and may face specific challenges related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle due to the demands of their jobs. Addressing the needs of this segment may involve considering their fitness requirements within the context of their corporate work schedules and lifestyles.

In conducting these interviews with a selected group of my friends, the objective was to delve deeper into:

💠 Understanding their relationship with fitness.
💠 Probe into their motivation, goals, challenges, and behaviour around staying fit.

From these interviews, following findings emerged:

1. Having a consistent workout routine affects other parts of a person’s life. It brings discipline and accountability in their life in general.

“You know, since I began working out regularly, I’ve seen a real change. The discipline I’ve built in the gym has actually made me more organised and focused. It’s pretty cool.”- Preeti Sharma (30), Bangalore

2. For some, going to gym is motivating, while for others, it is intimidating.

"For me, going to the gym can be a bit overwhelming. It feels like everyone's watching, and sometimes I worry if I'm doing things right. I prefer a more private workout where I don't feel judged."- Bhawna Pandey (31), Kanpur

“Honestly, working out in a gym is my jam. When I see others around, pushing themselves, it lights a fire in me too. It’s like this unspoken motivation that keeps me going.” — Navin (26), Bangalore

3. Beginners embarking on their fitness journey require more guidance in choosing workouts, planning their diet, and ensuring proper exercise forms.

“When I was new to working out, I was kind of lost. I needed guidance on what exercises to do, what to eat, and how to do things right. Having someone to guide me made a big difference in my fitness journey.” — Prachi (29), Bijnor

4. People usually have a goal in mind when they workout apart from being fit. For eg. Weight loss, muscle gain, strength training, etc.

“You know, when I started working out, I had a clear goal in mind — I wanted to lose weight and feel healthier. Having that goal kept me focused and motivated throughout my fitness journey.” — Yash Jadhav (28), Bangalore

5. People love workout flexibility, but they worry it might lead to complacency.

“I value the freedom to work out when it suits me, but I do wonder if it makes me less disciplined.” — Yash Jadhav (28), Bangalore

Now that we’ve gathered these insights, let’s create some personas to bring our potential users to life and understand them better.


Time-Strapped Gym Enthusiasts:
Both affluent women in tier 1 cities and hardworking professionals often struggle to make time for the gym. While professionals may find it challenging due to their demanding jobs and late hours, women managing household chores also face difficulties in fitting fitness into their busy routines.
Fitness Goals: They are committed to their fitness but need flexibility due to busy schedule. They aim to stay healthy, manage stress, and maintain their energy levels.
They’re looking for a convenient solution that allows to access gym equipment and workout whenever they can squeeze in time. They value the ability to book workout slots around the schedule and the freedom to exercise at their own pace.

Curious Fitness Beginners
These are the people who’ve never been a fitness enthusiast but have recently become interested in improving their health. Being aware about the benefits of working out but unsure where to start and don’t want to commit to long-term gym memberships.
Fitness Goals: These people are looking for a gentle introduction to a healthier lifestyle.
As they’re not ready for a strict gym commitment and want to try out different types of exercises to see what suits them best. Something that provides access to fitness equipment and guidance without the pressure of long-term contracts is ideal for them.

The Private Workout Enthusiast
These people have always been health-conscious but prefer to work out in the privacy of their home. They find gyms intimidating and crowded, which makes them uncomfortable. This persona also include majority of the women in tier 2 cities as mentioned earlier and introverts.
Fitness Goals: Their primary goal is to stay fit and maintain overall health. They prefer to exercise alone and values a quiet, non-judgmental environment.
Something that caters to their need for a peaceful, non-intimidating workout environment is essential for their fitness journey.

The next step was to define the problem statements and narrow down our target user segments. We aimed to address the following challenges:

What are we solving?

a) How can I provide individuals with easy access to gym-like facilities in the comfort of their homes?

b) How can I offer affordable fitness solutions that don’t strain users’ budgets?

c) How can I motivate individuals to consistently engage in workouts and stay committed to their fitness goals?

d) How can I create a comprehensive fitness experience that addresses users’ physical, nutritional, and mental well-being needs?

Market Analysis:

In this market analysis, I delved into various aspects of the CULT app, dissecting their holistic approach to fitness. Additionally, I scrutinised Furlenco’s unique rental model to gain insights into its workings. I also explored Rentomojo, which offers gym equipment rentals, to better understand their approach in this niche market.

Now that I have the personas and problem statements that I am trying to solve, I will head to brainstorming few good solutions.

Possible Solutions:

1. How can we provide individuals with easy access to gym-like facilities in the comfort of their homes?
We can create a platform where users can easily bring gym-like facilities to their homes by renting equipment. Additionally, they can connect with trainers and instructors when they need guidance.

2. How can we offer affordable fitness solutions that don’t strain users’ budgets?
We can introduce a feature where users can specify their fitness goals and budget. Then, we provide personalised options tailored to their needs and financial constraints, ensuring affordable fitness solutions.

3. How can we motivate individuals to consistently engage in workouts and stay committed to their fitness goals?

To keep users motivated, we’ve added a Live Stream feature, showing how many people are working out right now. Those with the most streaks get top visibility, giving you an incentive to keep your streak game going strong.

For an in-depth look at an individual’s workout journey, provided they have a public account or you’re following them, we’ve introduced a profile feature. Within this profile, you can access detailed insights, including calories burned, workout types, and a continuity graph.

Moreover, if you choose to follow this user, you’ll receive notifications whenever they initiate a new workout session. This feature enhances community engagement and keeps you connected with the fitness journeys of those you follow.

4. How can we create a comprehensive fitness experience that addresses users’ physical, nutritional, and mental well-being needs?

To provide a well-rounded fitness experience that caters to physical, nutritional, and mental well-being, we’ve introduced the option to book sessions with trainers, instructors, and dieticians. We’ve also taken into account common health concerns, such as PCOS and thyroid, particularly for women.

Visual Design

Moving from the initial wireframes to the vivid visuals is where this fitness platform truly comes to life. In our design journey, we’ve carefully selected the Kanit font, known for its modern and clean aesthetics. This font embodies readability and versatility, essential for effectively conveying fitness and health-related information.

Our colour palette predominantly features muted greenish-yellow, black and white. Green-yellow symbolised to health and wellness because it suggests a connection to nature and a sense of well-being.
Black symbolises strength, reliability, instilling trust in our users as they engage with health and fitness content. It provides a striking contrast against lighter backgrounds, ensuring essential information stands out.
Together, the Kanit font and our black-and-grey colour scheme create a visually appealing and professional appearance for our fitness app. We’ve taken careful steps to reinforce trust and reliability while keeping our design clean, modern, and user-friendly.

