Marc Sudreau
Chausson Finance
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2020


Week #1

Hello ecosystem

In these complicated times, questions are flooding in. When will we get through this crisis? How will this period affect our daily lives in the near future ? Is this what our future is gonna be made of?

To focus more specifically on the Venture Capital ecosystem, concepts we were so used to, as VCs focusing on growth before anything else, are suddenly turned upside down. How long will it last? How do funds handle the crisis on a daily basis? How will VCs investment strategies be impacted on the long run?

Answers to those questions and others come in this freshly baked VC-19 Barometer. We surveyed the VCs directly: from seed to growth investors and from just-promoted-partners to 2001-crisis-veterans, our panel gives, we believe, a fair representation of the VCs current mindset.

Our barometer will come back every week with new questions until the end of the pandemic, which we hope will arrive soon thanks to global collective effort.

We would like to address a special thanks to the 68 VCs who have joined us in this initiative. We wish you all an excellent reading!

Marc, Laurence and Guillaume for the Chausson Finance team

