Fight the Good Fight

The Anonymous Activist
6 min readJun 28, 2020
With Liberty, and Justice, for All

It has been clear to me for quite some time that America is no longer the Leader of the “Free” World. It hasn’t been for a while. Even before the riots, the pandemic, the economic collapse, the rise of fascism in our nation, the “looting” by banks and the 1%, and the false sensationalism of our “greatness” that has seemingly swept over groups of our population in recent years. Now, I weep for my country. As a patriot, I have found tears seeping from my soul more times that I can count. More times than ever before.

I don’t know exactly when America became “the greatest country on earth.” It seems harder for the generations above me to relinquish this title, because it has been their creed from the early years. It was, most often, either their parents or themselves who had crossed oceans and moved mountains to make it to the “Melting Pot of the World” in pursuit of the “Dream” that is drilled into our minds from kindergarten to graduation, and beyond. Most were part of the burgeoning middle class, working their way through blue-collar jobs, or breaking into Corporate America to give their children the opportunities that were otherwise inaccessible to them. It is quite often that my criticisms of our nation are portrayed as a lack of gratitude for the opportunities that have graced my life from the beginning. This is deeply hurtful to me in the sense that it is my right, and the foundation of our country, that…



The Anonymous Activist

Writing my heart out about the things that matter to me.