Top 10 Signs You Have Main Character Energy

Ashley Clerge
3 min readOct 21, 2023


Image Courtesy of Tyler Casey via UnSplash

In the grand theater of life, we all play our roles, but have you ever stopped to wonder whether you’re the main character in your own story? If you’ve been lurking in the corners of the internet, particularly on social media, you might have stumbled upon the term “Main Character Energy”. It’s a phrase that’s popping up all over the digital stratosphere but what does it truly mean?

Main Character Energy: Crafting Your Own Narrative

Picture this: someone asks you to do something you’d rather not do, and without a hint of hesitation, you calmly respond with a resounding “no.” Now, consider what it feels like to set, maintain, and respect healthy boundaries. This, my friends, is the essence of Main Character Energy. It’s the embodiment of writing your own story, of being the protagonist in your life’s novel.

Although advocating for oneself isn’t a groundbreaking concept, it seems that the torchbearers of this torch are predominantly Millenials and Gen Zers. These generations are unapologetically embracing the role of the lead character in their life’s drama. Instead of being passive observers of life’s whims, they’re taking the reins, asserting themselves, and steering the plot toward their own desires.

So, what exactly is this Main Character Energy we speak of? The name itself alludes to the character you ardently root for in a book or movie. You’re the hero in your own story, and it’s about time you started believing that. Main Character Energy is about recognizing your intrinsic value, respecting your personal journey, and opening your arms to the good things that the universe has to offer. It’s about affirming that you deserve love, career success, and a flourishing social life. The world is your stage, and you are its lead actor. So, act like it!

The Fine Line Between Main Character Energy and Narcissism

Before we proceed, let’s clear the air about a common misconception. Main Character Energy and narcissistic behavior are not birds of the same feather. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a legitimate mental health condition. It’s characterized by an unwavering belief in one’s self-importance, a need for excessive admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. Approximately 1% of the population grapples with this condition, and it’s not a switch that can be flipped on and off. It persists throughout a person’s life.

Main Character Energy, on the other hand, is a choice. It’s about shifting your focus, redefining your priorities, and drawing boundaries that safeguard your own needs and wants. Rather than living according to someone else’s script, you’re the author, director, and lead actor in your life’s production.

The Top Ten Signs You Possess Main Character Energy

  1. You Set Boundaries and Stick to Them: You know your limits, and you’re unapologetic about protecting them.
  2. You Prioritize Self-Care: Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is non-negotiable.
  3. You’re Unafraid to Say “No”: You’re not a people-pleaser; you say “no” when it’s in your best interest.
  4. You Believe in Your Worth: You don’t settle for less than you deserve, whether it’s in relationships or career opportunities.
  5. You’re the Architect of Your Dreams: You set goals, make plans, and actively work toward your aspirations.
  6. You Accept Compliments Gracefully: You recognize your strengths and don’t shy away from appreciation.
  7. You’re Not Afraid to Stand Out: Conformity is not your style; you embrace your uniqueness.
  8. You Take Responsibility for Your Happiness: You don’t rely on others to make you happy; you find joy within yourself.
  9. You Embrace Challenges: Adversity doesn’t deter you; you view challenges as opportunities for growth.
  10. You Write Your Story: You understand that you’re the author of your life, and you’re determined to craft an epic narrative.

So, do you have Main Character Energy coursing through your veins? It’s time to step into the spotlight, be the star of your own show, and start living life on your terms. After all, your life is the greatest story ever told, and it’s time to make it unforgettable.

