Facts About Rainforests For Kids

3 min readMay 1, 2022


It’s not a wonder that rainforests are known to be some of the most beautiful green places on earth, but how can a little girl grow up in a forest? Well, some interesting things about the world’s oldest trees and forests will give her an idea of how it all started and why we love them so much, too. So here are Facts About Rainforests For Kids that you’ll never forget!

1. Tree/Forest As Seen From A Plane Flying High And Low.

It was recently reported that some fascinating facts about tree forests were released from NASA’s research team during their work on Earth Observation using Boeing Airplane data from around the globe. Scientists used aircraft images to measure trees in various parts of the world for over 40 years. They observed what appeared to be 50 different types of tropical rainforests growing up into the sky. However, they also discovered something else entirely. Many species don’t survive long because their soil is being covered with other plants. This makes sure there are plenty of nutrients but doesn’t make the soil as fertile as it could. In the first place, this means that trees have adapted to living this way to take advantage of these nutrients, which also means that these forests are very rich, especially if trees are close together (or else people would eventually kill off one, and replace the others. But it might not be such a bad thing for both of them, because many trees are now growing back). But since trees aren’t able to produce enough food for themselves anymore — which would put a huge strain on their forest — many rainforests around the world are now trying to find new ways to gain more food. One particular type of rainforest has been found to have the potential to release 100% of its carbon dioxide, allowing the trees to grow. Because of this discovery, the researchers think that this type of forest, called “Volta”, may have the power to help save the global climate by taking out the majority of carbon from the air. Not only does it reduce greenhouse gases from causing the greenhouse effect but it can also allow trees to grow faster. These trees are still alive and thriving because they’re not going to die.

2. Trees Can Grow Their Food All By Themselves.

This one fact about the world’s biggest trees and forests is quite amazing. When the rainforest is taken away from them, trees can no longer use their resources for making their lives more enjoyable. Instead, they need sunlight to live their life; so without the light. They are even told that once rain trees, they are forced to stop growing. Some trees can even grow into cocoons and form their food. That kind of thing happens to animals in other forests but not humans. What’s more, scientists say that once trees become extinct, they lose their ability to turn into crops like wheat. Therefore, the plants can’t eat those crops, too. The same thing can happen with crops in other countries. If one country can no longer grow rice, then everything can’t be grown. On the other hand, rainforests can keep on growing and can become more productive than before. They can develop, and become better at producing valuable products. To prove this, I got myself a book, which was written by a guy who studied forestry for decades, after he saw how rainforests turned out with less food. You can read it here on Amazon. Another observation was made on another topic: How do people who go through hard times often get back stronger than when they first came? It’s just thanks to the good luck!

For 5 more facts about Rainforests visit https://factsbuz.blogspot.com/2022/05/Facts-About-Rainforests-For-Kids.html




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